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[ Yoonmin enter in their house,yoongi sit on couch with holding his head,he look at Jimin]
yoongi: don't stood there like statue. put the luggage here.
[ Jimin put the luggage on chair]
yoongi: go and take water for me, there is kitchen.
[ Jimin nodded,he go in kitchen and comeback with water.]
Jimin: w.. water..
[ yoongi take glass from jimin's hand and drink it]
Yoongi: I'm so tired,come.
[ he started walking towards room, Jimin is following him, they enter in their room]

yoongi: this is our room, put your luggage in almirah. I'll just come.[ saying that he left for bathroom]

[ Jimin put his clothes in almirah,he take the photo frame in his hand and kiss on it]
Jimin [ in mind]: eomma appa. yoongi is not like them...
[ he put the photo in Almirah. he find in almirah and smile appear on his face.]
Jimin [ in mind]: blanket
yoongi: Jimin. [ Jimin turn]
yoongi: go and take bath, you must be tired.
[ he lay on bed]
yoongi: go..
[ Jimin nodded,he take his cloth and left]

[ after sometime Jimin come out from bathroom and saw yoongi is fall in sleep,he smile,he come towards almirah and take out the blanket. he set the blanket and lay on it]

~ next morning~

[ Jimin feel cold,he slowly open his eyes]
Jimin [ in mind]: it's cold..
[ he get up and put the blanket in almirah,he look at yoongi,who is sleeping peacefully,he come towards
him and cover him by blanket]
Jimin:[ in mind]: thank you for saving me...
Jimin [ in mind]: should I take bath.
[ he take his cloths and left for bathroom]

[ yoongi move his hand beside him,he search, then open his eyes]
yoongi: Jimin...he woke.[ then he look at time, Jimin come out from bathroom,he look at Yoongi,who is
looking at him with anger.]
yoongi:- do you saw time? do you have brain... it's only 5:30 jimin and you already take bath means when
you woke huh... winter is started or that also don't know..
[ Jimin feel fear he look down]
yoongi: idiot...[ he again fall in sleep.]
[ jimin look at him with teary eyes.]
Jimin [ in mind]: is you will also beat me...
[ Jimin sit on floor with holding his knees.]

~ time skip at 8 am~
[ yoongi complete his morning routine and come downstairs]
yoongi: Jimin... Jimin...[ no response]
yoongi: maybe in kitchen,[ he come in kitchen.]
yoongi: Jimin... what are you doing here..
[ Jimin flinched and immediately stood from floor]
yoongi: floor is cold Jimin, why you want me to scold you.
[ jimin look down]
yoongi: look at me.[ Jimin look up with teary eyes, yoongi come close to him and hold his arms]
yoongi: what happen? why you're eyes are teary?
yoongi [ in mind]: I think bcoz of my shout.
[ yoongi wipe jimin's eyes,he slowly wrap his one arm around jimin's back and hug him]
yoongi: don't be scared...., Jimin are you not hungry, you didn't make breakfast, but I heard you love cooking. Jimin actually I'm so hungry. please make something [ Jimin nodded]
yoongi: I'll just come ok... and don't cry.

[ yoongi come in living room and sit on couch]
yoongi [ in mind]: it's ok yoongi, try to understand him. he's your husband, your responsibility. min yoongi keep aside your anger issue and cold behaviour. you have to run your marriage.. anyways our one sided conversation is going on...
yoongi: Jimin... what should I do...hey Jimin...
[ Jimin come in living room]
yoongi: nothing, I just calling you go.
[ Jimin nodded and left]
yoongi: stupid boy.

~15 minutes later~
[ yoongi come in kitchen]
yoongi: ready Jimin.[ Jimin nodded and serve breakfast on dinning table,yoongi sit]
yoongi: why are you not eating [ cold tone]
yoongi: where is your plate Jimin.
[ jimin feel scared,he look down]
yoongi: JIMIN...[ Jimin flinched]
yoongi: I'm asking you Jimin, where is your plate don't look down.
Jimin: ... I.. for you...
[ yoongi put his hand on his head]
yoongi: sit here..[ he hold jimin's hand and made him sit. he give his half breakfast to Jimin]
yoongi: brainless boy,eat this... I said you to make breakfast for us, why you not make for you dumbo.
[ they eat their breakfast]
yoongi: ok now I'm going to office, take care of yourself. I'll try to come early,if you feel bored then watch TV.
[ Jimin nodded and yoongi left]

Jimin:[ in mind]: first time someone scold, bcoz I didn't eat...
please yoongi~ah don't leave me.

~ time skip at night~

[ yoongi enter in living room]
yoongi: I'm home Jimin.[ no response]
[ he look at couch and smile appear on his face, he left for his room,he take his phone]

~ on call~
yoongi: eomma. from when Jimin leave study?
Mrs min: I don't know exact but his aunty said when he was six.
yoongi: ok.
Mrs min: yoongi don't scold him,if he did any mistake.
yoongi: it's on me,you don't scold me...
Mrs min: yoongi don't you dare to scold him.
yoongi: my husband my rights [ he cut the call]
yoongi: it's mean,he didn't even complete his primary school... reading book...[ chuckle]

~ next day~
[ yoongi grab jimin's arms]
yoongi: I'm giving you divorce, get lost from my house Jimin...
Jimin: p..please no y..yoongi~ahv... pl..ease.. d..don't l..leave me.
[ yoongi pushed jimin and left from there.]
Jimin: y..yoongi~ah don't l.leave me... w..where are you...
[ suddenly someone grab jimin's hand,he look up]
Jimin: h... hyung...
ruhoon: how many times I said you that I'm not your hyung [ smirked]
[ he grabbed jimin's chin]
Jimin: please leave me hyung...
ruhoon: you run for that bastard ...see he leave you.
now no one can stop me...
[ he pushed Jimin on bed, he started unbuttoning jimin's shirt]
Jimin: No hyung... please don't... YOONGI.... YOONGI...

[ Jimin immediately open his eyes. he started breathing heavily,his body started sweating,tears continuously
rolling from his eyes,he look here and there]
Jimin: yo..yoongi~ah...
[ he come towards yoongi and started shaking him...]
Jimin: y..yoo..
[ yoongi open his eyes and saw jimin is sitting on floor with holding his legs]
Yoongi: Jimin..[ he get up,he hold jimin's arms and made him sit on bed. Jimin immediately hug Yoongi
and started crying badly]
yoongi: hey Jimin... what happen... please stop crying...
[ Jimin hug him more tightly, covering himself in yoongi's embrace]
yoongi: I'm here Jimin...stop you saw a dream.?
[ yoongi started caressing jimin's hair and back, after sometime Jimin calm down]
yoongi: that was dream Jimin, don't scared. look at me, I'm here... don't cry..
[ he cup jimin's face]
yoongi: that was dream Jimin, what you saw?
[ Jimin hold yoongi's hand tightly]
yoongi: ok don't tell, are you ok na...[ Jimin nodded]
[ yoongi made Jimin lay on bed]
yoongi: ok now sleep, I'm here...
[ after sometime Jimin fall in sleep with holding yoongi's hand]
yoongi: what you saw Jimin, which make you that much scared, I know I don't want to marry with you, but
now I want this marriage work, my little husband I don't know but you're different.

[ yoongi's phone started ringing,he saw the caller ID]
~ on call~
secretary: boss, client are come, meeting will start within hour.
yoongi: Oh shit. ok I'm coming [ cold tone]
~ he cut the call~

[ yoongi caresse jimin's hair.]
yoongi: now, what should I do, but I have to go. take care ok.
[ yoongi slowly remove jimin's hand from his hand. and get up from bed,he get ready for offline, and look at Jimin.]
yoongi [ in mind]: yoongi, don't think that much. he just saw a bad dream.[ yoongi left]

~ one hour later~
[ Jimin slowly open his eyes, and look at his hand tears started rolling from his eyes.]
Jimin: [ in mind] he touched me...he tired to...he will come again, where are you yoongi...
[ Jimin started panicking,he get up from bed and come towards
almirah,he open it, and take his wedding suit in his hand he hold it tightly while crying badly,he come
towards window,he close the window and carten, he come towards room's door and lock it from inside...
he look here and there]
Jimin: h..h..he... w..will..come..
[ Jimin come towards bed,he sit on floor and move back. his back hit on wall,he hug the suit tightly with sobbing badly]
Jimin: y..yoongi...he w..will c..come...

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