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~3 Days Later
At Morning~

[ jimin's phone started ringing, Yoongi pick the call]
Yoongi- how many times I told you, don't call here we don't want any insurance [ he hung up the call.]
Yoongi- bastard. [ Yoongi look at Jimin]
Yoongi- bad habits, come here.
[ jimin sit beside Yoongi.]
Yoongi- I'll teach you, how to add number in block list if unknown number call you again and again then
don't pick. [ Jimin nodded]
Yoongi- ok look. [ Yoongi explain Jimin]
Yoongi- bye bye..[ Yoongi is about to touch jimin's cheek but he take hand back.]
Yoongi- Take care.
[ Yoongi started taking steps towards door jimin look at him with sad face.]
Jimin- [ in mind] didn't touch.

- at afternoon-
- on call-
Yoongi- what are you doing?
[ jimin nodded as nothing]
Yoongi- Jimin I can't see you, I know you're nodding
jimin- n... nothing.
Yoongi- lunch?
Yoongi- I'll again late, so don't forget to lock the door.
Jimin- p.. please come e.. early I. w..ill w.. with you
Yoongi- sorry but I can't I have lot of work please eat ok, you're my good boy na. [ jimin nodded]
Yoongi- again nodded, ok bye see you.
Jimin- b... bye. [ hung up]
[ jimin's phone again ring]
Jimin- [ in mind] yoongi~ah..[ he saw the caller ID]
Jimin- [ in mind] unknown.
[ he put the phone on table and after
2-3 rings, phone stopped]

- at night-
[ door bell ring, Jimin look at the time.]
Jimin- [ in mind] 8 he said he'll late, then who
[ jimin's heart started beating fast
his body started sweating.]
Jimin- [ in mind] d.. don't don't open jimin.
[ jimin's phone started ringing, he immediately pick the call]
Yoongi- where are you jimin, open the door.
[ Jimin take relief breath and open the door.]
Jimin- y.. you c... come.
Yoongi- Yes you want to eat with me right so I come.
[ smile appear on jimin's face.]

[ after dinner, Jimin is cleaning the kitchen,he look at yoongi,who is watching TV.]
Jimin [ in mind]: I'm not feel uncomfortable with you, don't
feel guilty to touch me... I miss your hug.
[ after cleaning jimin come in living room,yoongi look at him and give him smile,jimin slowly sit beside yoongi he close his eyes and rest his head on yoongi's lap,yoongi got shock]
Yoongi: Jimin...
[ jimin hold yoongi's hand and put it on his arm. smile appear on yoongi's face]
yoongi: tired..[ Jimin nodded and yoongi started massaging his arm]
yoongi [ in mind]: you're over reacting yoongi, he's kid he need care,hugs... love. don't think too much, he's your husband and you have rights on him.
yoongi: Jimin you not feel uncomfortable with me
[ Jimin nodded as no]
yoongi: my stupid kid [ kiss on jimin's cheek, yoongi caressed his hand from jimin's face]
yoongi: I just don't want to make you uncomfortable, that's why... I'm sorry.
jimin: d.. don' sorry.
yoongi: can I hug you.
[ jimin get up from yoongi's lap. yoongi pull jimin closer and take him in his embrace,jimin rest his head
on yoongi's chest and close his eyes]
jimin [ in mind]- my safe place.
yoongi [ in mind]: my little husband, you're so innocent for this world.
yoongi: are you sleepy jimin.
[ jimin look up and nodded as no, and again rest his head on yoongi's chest. yoongi caressed jimin's hair]


[ Jimin is making breakfast]
Yoongi: JIMIN.[ jimin flinched]
yoongi: don't have brain,oh god what should I do with this boy. Are you that much hungry.
[ jimin look down]
yoongi: it's only 6 Jimin, why the hell you're making breakfast in this early.
jimin: o... of..offi.ce..
yoongi: what.
[ jimin started sobbing,yoongi pull him in his embrace]
yoongi: why.
yoongi: for me, stupid, it's Sunday I'm not going. you're totally dumbo. can I pick you? why I'm asking.
[ yoongi pick jimin in bridal and take him in living room]
yoongi: jimin, you're so light... Jimin.
[ he look at jimin's face]
yoongi [ in mind]: pink cheeks,is he blushing... cute.
yoongi: jimin.. I'm talking with you... it's very cold, you're so stupid,come let's cuddle.[ he put jimin down]
jimin: cuddle?
yoongi: you didn't cuddle with anyone, when I was child I always used to cuddling with eomma or appa.
[ jimin look down,tears escape from his eyes,yoongi cup jimin's face]
Yoongi: now you have me for cuddle...come baby..
[ yoongi lay on couch and take jimin top on him]
yoongi: hug me tightly
[ yoongi take blanket on them, and wrap his hands around jimin]
jimin [ in mind]: I want to tell you everything... everything.. but I don't want to remember that again... please don't leave me.
yoongi: jimin.
Jimin: hmm.
yoongi: you're so hot, I mean warmth.
[ jimin hold yoongi tightly]

~ time skip at 9 am~
[ door bell ring and yoongi open his eyes.]
yoongi: who the hell.
[ yoongi slowly get up, holding jimin in his arms,jimin move his face]
yoongi: it's ok it's ok.. sleep.. sleep..
[ jimin again rest his head on yoongi's neck,yoongi hold him and slowly made him sleep on couch. yoongi kiss on jimin's forehead]

[ he come towards door and open it.]
yoongi: You... I told you na don't come here,get lost.
[ yoongi is about to close the door, but Mr min push it. they enter in house.]
yoongi: get lost from here huh.
Mrs min: shut up and language. are you in mind?
Yoongi: no I'm not, now go.
Mrs min: not interested in your house, I come to meet my mochi.
yoongi: my husband and I'm not allow you to meet him now get lost.
[ Mrs min's eyes fall on jimin]
Mrs min: what I said you yoongi, my baby...
[ yoongi put his hand on his head,she come towards jimin and caressed her hand from jimin's face]
Mrs min: mochi.
[ jimin slowly open his eyes, smile appear on his face he get up and hug Mrs min]
Mrs min: I'm sorry baby.
Yoongi: excuse me, it's not like what you're thinking.
[ jimin look at yoongi with confused]
Mrs min: how dare you to said him sleep on couch.
yoongi: jimin come here.
Mrs min: are you making him scared,[ jimin nodded as no]
yoongi: jimin tell them, where were we sleep.
jimin: b..bed.
Mrs min: don't lie jimin, then why are you sleeping on couch.
[ jimin look down,yoongi chuckle]
yoongi [ in mind]: blushing...
jimin: I..w.. woke.. early...
yoongi: then I scold you.
jimin: t... then...w..we...cu_
yoongi: then you sleep on couch, bcoz I scold you right jimin.
[ jimin look at yoongi,yoongi nodded as yes]
jimin: hmm..
Mrs min: why you scold him?
yoongi: I don't think it's necessary to answer your every question.
Jimin go and make something for your eomma,or she'll eat my brain.
[ jimin nodded and left to kitchen]
Yoongi- Mr. and Mrs.min please have a seat.
Mr.min- we're meeting after two weeks and you're not happy.
Yoongi- no..
Mrs.min - we don't care, go and help him.
Yoongi- how cruel you are, fine going.

[ Yoongi enter in kitchen.]
Jimin- I...w... will m...make.
Yoongi- I will help you.
[ Yoongi hold jimin's hands.]
Yoongi- Jimin no need to tell everything to others you know some things are only husbands things
just like our cuddle.
[ jimin look down and blush..]
Yoongi- blushing huh...[ jimin closed his eyes, Yoongi kiss on his cheek.]
Yoongi- actually they thought I'm so savage and cold and I am, you know that right but little bit I'm sweet too. [ jimin smile]
Yoongi- they already spoil our Sunday, let's make breakfast for them, eomma appa are sweet but you don't think little bit crackhead.
[ Jimin nodded as no.]
Yoongi- it's ok Jimin.

- after breakfast-
[ Yoongi collect the plates from dinning table and put it in besin, Mrs.min look at him in shock, Yoongi started washing the plates
smile appear on Mrs.min's face.]
Mrs.min [ in mind]- you are my son.

[ they spend their day, with bickering
between Mrs.min and Yoongi.]

- at night-
Mrs min- mochi don't scared by him, he just have some anger issue. [ jimin nodded as no]
Mrs.min- are you happy? [ jimin nodded]
Yoongi- eomma now let him sleep.
Mrs.min - going.. good night mochi.
Yoongi- eomma wait for me in living room.[ Mrs.min left.]
Yoongi- Jimin I'll just come ok.
[ jimin nodded and Yoongi left.]

- in living room-
[ Yoongi come and rest his head on Mrs.min's lap she caressed her hand from yoongi's hair.]
Mrs.min- are you angry?
Yoongi- I miss you both so much.
Mrs.min- I'm sorry I forced you to marry.
Yoongi- it's ok eomma, now he's my responsibility.
Mrs.min- don't shout on him.
Yoongi- my husband, my rights, you know what he's totally different from others, always a cry baby, but caring too., I don't want to say but thank you. [ she chuckle.]
Yoongi- I love you both ok now I'm going I know Jimin will not sleep and good night.
Mrs.min - good night son. [ Yoongi left.]
Mr.min- he don't know but he fall in for him.
Mrs.min- when you come.
Mr.min- I was just listening, your talk.
Mrs.min - bad manners.

[ Yoongi enter in room]
Yoongi- you didn't sleep yet, come
[ he lay on bed and take Jimin in his embrace.]
Yoongi- stupid boy.

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