y..yoon I l..love y..you

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[ jimin moving his head here and there in sleep]
Jimin- p..pl..please..n..no..n [ mumbling]
Yoongi- jiminie jimin wake up, it's dream wake up..
[ he shake Jimin, jimin open his eyes and hold yoongi's arm tightly.]
Jimin- d.. don't l.. leave m me..
[ Yoongi take jimin in his embrace.]
Yoongi- it was dream, I'm not leaving you stop crying baby, look it's 9 pm how long you sleep let's go home..
[ jimin nodded, Yoongi stood and pick jimin in bridal, jimin rest his head on yoongi's chest.]
Yoongi- jimin we're going for dinner.
Jimin- c.. chocolate..p..
Yoongi- Yes chocolate pastry

- after dinner in car-
Yoongi- remember? that night you was seeing road look outside.
Jimin- b.. beautiful.
Yoongi- you didn't travel at night before?
Jimin- b.. bcoz..s.. scared..e..eomma a..appa l . leave a.. accident n.. night..
Yoongi- I'm sorry Jimin.
[ jimin nodded as no.]

- Mean While-
j'aunty: what do you mean by he's not picking call
ruhoon: wait, I sent this pics to his husband.
j'uncle: are you out of your mind,if we send this pics now then how he'll sign on papers. bcoz of this pics we're blackmailing him.
j'uncle: try again.
ruhoon: what try again, it's switch off.
j'aunty: ruhoon baby, you want to meet your brother right, then go tomorrow ok.
ruhoon: brother...[ smirk]

- at midnight-
[ Yoongi open his eyes]
Yoongi- Jimin [ he turn on the light]
Yoongi- this boy...jimin are you in bathroom?
[ he checked bathroom.]
Yoongi- where is he? [ he come downstairs]
Yoongi- JIMIN JIMIN... door is locked from inside then where is he?
[ he check the whole house.]
Yoongi- Jimin where are you?? rooftop

[ Yoongi run upstairs he look here and there, he fold his arms and shook his head in disbelief]
Yoongi- Jimin. [ jimin turn]
Jimin- w..why y..you w..woke it's c.cold h..here.
[ Yoongi rub his hands.]
Yoongi- it's cold, then my dear jimin, why the hell you're standing here and where the fuck is your sweater?
[ Jimin look down, Yoongi come towards him.]
Yoongi- you need my punch?
Jimin- y..you n..not [ smile while looking down.]
Yoongi- look at my face, then say I'll not.
[ Yoongi make more angry face.]
Jimin- d.. don't m.. make...a.. angry i...s.. scared I..k.. know y.. you'll.n..not p.. punch..
[ smile appear on yoongi's face
Jimin look up with smile.]
Jimin- a... angry. b.. but. s..stu_
Yoongi- huh [ he rise his eyebrow]
Yoongi- complete [ jimin nodded as no]
Yoongi- stupid right, but you know what you're more stupid than me stubborn, brainless, damb
cry baby, everything you're everything...
Jimin- t.. that's w..why y.. you d..did n..not m.. miss me.
Yoongi- oh you're still on that.
Jimin- i..l.. learn t.. today I b.. bother y.. you a..alot.
Yoongi- from where this come to your small brain?
Jimin- l.. let's g..go s.. sleep...
[ yoongi hold jimin's both hands]
yoongi: jiminie,if min Yoongi can't sleep without his husband then you really thought that he's not missing
you, and what you learn you're bothering me... ofcourse you're bothering me and if you not bother me, then whom huh... don't you dare to bother anyone else.
Jimin: t.. then..wh..at I have to...l.. le.arn..
[ Jimin hug yoongi and close his eyes]
yoongi: just remember we're made for each other so don't stop bothering me ok...
Jimin: y.. you're..a.. also..m..my .
.stu.. pid..h.. husband..
yoongi: leave me.
[ jimin make grip more tight]
yoongi: jiminie I want cuddle... I'm sleepy..
jimin: .. I.. I'm..n.. not..sle..epy.
yoongi: how can you sleepy jimin, you sleep almost 6 hours at office.

[ they lay on bed]
yoongi: turn there, don't stare me.
jimin: ..b.. but.. I'm..n.. not..sl..sleepy..
yoongi: close your eyes and count sheeps.
[ jimin close his eyes]

~ 6 minutes later~
[ jimin shake yoongi]
jimin: s..still..n.not..
yoongi: let me sleep then..[ still close eyes,jimin again shake him]
yoongi: YOU JIMIN...
[ yoongi get up and pin jimin on bed,he kissed on jimin's both cheeks,jimin close his eyes tightly]
yoongi: jimin you're not sleepy, open your eyes..
[ jimin cover his eyes by his hand]
yoongi: jimina,[ he slowly remove jimin's hand from his eyes]
yoongi: why baby... why are you crying...
[ jimin open his eyes]
jimin: n... not..c..cryi..ing.. but..t..tears not..sto.. stopping.. p.. ple.ase..d.. don't..le.. leave..me.
yoongi: why are you talking like this, I said you na I'll never leave you... you're my kid, my baby.
jimin: c.. cuddle..m..me..
yoongi: yes baby..
[ yoongi lay and take jimin in his embrace]
yoongi: sleep baby..[ started patting jimin's back]
yoongi [ in mind]: you need love and care, I'm not saying that
your uncle- aunty are bad but, my jimin is still in depression,why they not take a good care..
yoongi: jiminie..
jimin: hmm
yoongi: nothing...[ pull jimin more closer]
jimin: Y..yoon.. I..L..Lo.. Love..y.. you..


Author: Sorry for Short Chapter 😔

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