My Safe Place

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~ time skip at night~

[ yoongi enter in house]
yoongi: Jimin....7pm he didn't on lights.. [ he switched on the lights]
yoongi: Jimin...
[ he check the living room and kitchen but he didn't found Jimin]
yoongi: Jimin where are you?

[ he come upstairs,he push their room's door.]
yoongi: locked... Jimin.... Jimin...[ he started patting the door.]
yoongi: Jimin, you are in right, open the door...
what happen Jimin...[ no response]
[ yoongi feel fear,he started patting more loudly]
Yoongi: Jimin... it's me Yoongi... open the door... what this boy is doing inside,he is ok na...

[ yoongi immediately come downstairs, he come towards TV unit and open the drawer and started finding]
yoongi: where is, I remember I put it here...
[ he take the key in his hand]
yoongi: finally...

[ yoongi run upstairs, he's about to unlock the door but suddenly the door is opened.]
yoongi: Jimin...[ he touched Jimin's cheek]
Jimin: I... bathroom..
Yoongi- you didn't heard jimin idiot.
[ jimin nodded as no.]
Yoongi- I was scared stupid why the hell you locked the door [ jimin look down]
Yoongi- now go and make dinner, I'm hungry.
[ jimin nodded and left, Yoongi touched his chest.]
Yoongi- almost heart' attack.
[ he enter in room and saw suit on bed he chuckle.]
Yoongi- is he trying this, my stupid husband.

[ Yoongi freshen up and come downstairs, he come in kitchen and take water bottle,  he look at jimin who is chopping vegetables.]
Yoongi- [ in mind] how innocent he is, his ocean eyes looking so beautiful, little nose, this shape of your
lips is so unique but why it's pale,
your collarbone are clearly seems but why?
[ yoongi's eyes fall on jimin's shirt.]
Yoongi- [ in mind] it's clearly seems colour is faded and jeans also looking gray maybe it was black, why he still wearing this?

[ Yoongi come close to Jimin and slowly hold his waist, Jimin flinched by sudden touch,  Yoongi put his chin on jimin's shoulder.]
Yoongi- I'm so tired jimin, can I hug you.
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes.]
Yoongi- is you eat your lunch, let me guess, no right, I can feel your tummy's growling.
[ jimin slowly touched yoongi's hand and rest his head back on yoongi's chest.]
Yoongi- you're also tired? [ Jimin nodded as no]
Yoongi - then why you putting your waight on me, I'm tired na
[ jimin move forward.]
Jimin- .. I.. I'm...s.. sorry.
Yoongi- jimin hungry, not me your tummy, now make fast but I'll stay like this ok.
Jimin- [ in mind] thank you.. you know I can't say in words that how much your touch making me feel safe,
please don't leave me or I'll die...
Jimin- .. I..w.want...w...watear
Yoongi- wait I'll give you.
[ he give water to jimin, jimin drink it.]
Yoongi- you go and sit, I'll serve the dinner.
Jimin- b... but.
Yoongi- go jimin.
[ Jimin sit on dinning table.]
Yoongi- [ in mind] wow min Yoongi, you're not like this.

[ they finished their dinner, Yoongi is sitting on couch.]
Yoongi- jimin, come here and take chips and popcorn also.
[ jimin come and give packets to Yoongi.]
Yoongi- sit
[ jimin is about to sit on floor.]
Yoongi- JIMIN...[ he hold jimin's hand and made him sit on couch, he pull jimin's head on his lap.]
Yoongi- monkey..[ he started massaging jimin's arm]
Yoongi- are you tired, but I can't hire maid bcoz I can't trust on anyone.
Jimin- I.. I'm..not t.. tired..
Yoongi- ok watch TV.
[ jimin turn towards TV, Yoongi started caressing his hair, tears escape from jimin's eyes.]
Jimin- [ in mind] first time someone that much care for me, if my eomma appa are with me they also
take me like this na Yoongi~ah...

[ after sometime jimin heard snoring, he turn and smile appear on his face, jimin get up from yoongi's lap and shake him.]
Jimin- y.. you.. s.. sleep.
Yoongi - oh ok you watch movie, I'm going good night.
[ Yoongi get up, he hold jimin and press his lips on his forehead and left from there, Jimin close his eyes and sit on couch.]
Jimin- [ in mind] they didn't allow me to watch TV you know they beat me when I eat without their permission, you are wrong aunty my Yoongi is not like you, he care for me he worried for me...he is my safe place.

- Time Skip at Midnight-
[ Yoongi open his eyes.]
Yoongi- washroom.
[ he's about to switch on the
Yoongi- no Jimin will woke.
[ he get up from bed and started taking steps but his leg hit on something and he fall.]
Yoongi- Aaaah..[ he touched his chin and feel wet.]
Yoongi- blood..[ he feel jimin's hand on his cheek.]
[ he jerk jimin's hand and get up.]
Yoongi- are you dumb or something, do you have brain
[ he switch on the light, Jimin again touch yoongi's chin.]
Jimin- b.. blood..[ Yoongi again jerk his hand.]
Yoongi- it's mean you're daily sleeping on floor right.
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes.]
Yoongi- you bast_ [ he stopped himself and grab his hair in frustration.]
Yoongi- what you think jimin, I'm mad or stupid
[ he grabbed jimin's arms.]
Yoongi- what I said to you huh.. what I said winter is started jimin, don't woke early
[ jimin started sobbing.]
Yoongi- and you sleeping on floor, what is your problem Jimin, tell me you have problem to sleep with me, [ jimin nodded as no with sobbing badly.]
Yoongi- then why the fuck you sleep on floor.
[ he pushed jimin on bed.]
Yoongi- sleep here or
[ jimin get up and again touched yoongi's chin]
Jimin- c..chin b.. blood..
yoongi: just get away.[ he jerk jimin's hand and left for bathroom, Jimin sit on bed and started crying badly]
Jimin [ in mind]: I'm sorry... but I always sleep on floor that is my place.. I'm a trush, I'm not deserve this place... I'm sorry...
[ yoongi come out from bathroom and lay on bed. Jimin touched yoongi's arm and yoongi change his side.
Jimin slowly lay beside him]
Jimin: I... I' sorry...[ sobbing]
[ yoongi close his eyes, after sometime yoongi turn towards Jimin]
yoongi: you don't want to let me sleep right then cry.
[ Jimin look at yoongi, and touch his chin.]
yoongi: it's paining idiot.[ remove jimin's hand]
[ yoongi close his eyes, after sometime yoongi heard jimin's sobbing are stopped,he open his eyes and
caressed his hand from jimin's face]
yoongi: I make you cry alot right, but you also know why.
[ he slowly hold jimin's waist and pull him closer and fall in sleep]

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