why jimina? I don't like this...

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~1 week later~
[ yoongi is driving car towards home]
yoongi: I didn't spend time with him, almost from week, my little kid will surprise seeing me.

[ yoongi reach the home, and press the door bell.]
yoongi: why he taking too much time,to open the door.
[ yoongi's eyes fall on lock]
yoongi: locked, where this boy go.
[ yoongi unlocked the door and sit on couch]
yoongi: maybe market,

[ yoongi freshen up and come downstairs]
yoongi: this kid, I said him before going anywhere atleast inform me na. stupid yoongi, you have phone
just call your husband.
[ yoongi dail jimin's number]
yoongi: jiminie, where are you darling... JIMINIE.
Jimin: huh.
yoongi: I asked you something.
Jimin: a..m..h.. home.
yoongi: home, ok.[ he hung up the call.]
yoongi: then where I am baby,is my kid is lying with me.
[ he sit on couch]
yoongi: relax yoongi,relax maybe, I don't know what maybe.
[ he throw the stuff on floor.]
yoongi: it's hurting Jimin, you're lying with me.
[ yoongi enter in bathroom and turn on the shower cold water drop on him.]
yoongi: why are you thinking too much,he didn't inform you before going right, that's why he's lying but why jimina, I don't like this.
[ yoongi changed clothes and come out,he lay on bed]
yoongi: I have nothing to do, and my kitten also not here. he'll woke me.[ yoongi fall in sleep]

- Time Skip-
[ Yoongi open his eyes, with sharp pain in his head.]
Yoongi- oh this fucking headache and why I'm feeling shiver..JIMIN... JIMINIE..
[ he look at clock.]
Yoongi- 6 pm it's mean I'm sleeping from 3 hours why this boy didn't woke me.
[ he wear his sweater and come downstairs.]
Yoongi- jiminie it's mean you didn't come yet.

[ he call Jimin]
Yoongi- Jimin
Jimin- y..yoon a..are you c.. coming?
[ Yoongi smile in disbelief.]
Yoongi- yes baby, with in half hour.
Jimin- hmm
Yoongi- ok then, I'm on way, bye.
Jimin- s... sorry.
Yoongi- why baby?
Jimin- I..l.. love y.. you so m.. much.
Yoongi- hmm baby..[ call end.]
Yoongi- this boy, why he's lying and saying sorry, don't make me worried jiminie, Yoongi go and find him.

[ yoongi come out from house and started walking towards
market. he search all the market,he grab his hair in frustration]
yoongi: baby where_[ cut when his eyes fall on bus stop]
yoongi: jiminie..

[ jimin come out from bus,he look at phone.]
Jimin: I... I'm..so.. sorry...[ he started walking,his eyes fall on fruit shop]
Jimin: t... tangerine...[ he goes towards shop]
Jimin: a... aunty...1 kg..t... tangerine.
[ he buy it and started walking]

~ mean while Yoongi~
yoongi: from where were you coming Jimin. I'm trying but I can't understand you don't be a mystery for yoon. and Tangerine for me na, why need to lie Jimin.
[ he sneezed]
yoongi: ok jiminie, I'm also coming from office.

[ Jimin reach the home,he sit on couch and started crying badly]
Jimin: I... I'm..s.. sorry you..c...call me and..l..li..lie.. I don't w.. want to..l..lie..w.. with you...b.. but...j.. just.. one..m. month.. if..w..t.. they..d.. didn't... de.lete then I'll s.. suicide..
[ he heard door bell.]
Jimin: y..yoongi~ah ...[ he wipe his tears.]

[ jimin open the door and hug yoongi tightly]
yoongi: what happen..[ he heard jimin's sob]
yoongi: it's ok cry.
[ yoongi pick Jimin in bridal and made him sit on
couch and give him water.]
yoongi: stop jiminie... enough.
[ Jimin wipe his tears on yoongi's shirt]
yoongi: now go,freshen up and today I'll make dinner.
[ Jimin nodded and left]
yoongi: [ in mind] no no yoongi, you're guess is maybe right..
Jimin is hiding something,eomma appa's death is not only the reason.[ he sneezed.]

[ after sometime, Jimin come downstairs and backhug yoongi]
Jimin: y...yoongi.[ jimin slid his hand inside yoongi's shirt.]
yoongi: hey.
jimin: h..hot..[ yoongi jerk jimin's hand and lightly pushed him.]
yoongi: stay away from me. what you was about to do huh.
jimin: y..yoon..f.. fever.
yoongi: you have fever.[ he come close to jimin and check his forehead]
yoongi: no baby, it's normal.
jimin: s... stupid..y.. you..h.. have..f.. fever.
yoongi: oh maybe that's why I'm feeling headache and shiver.
jimin: w... why you..re..d.. doing..t.. this.
yoongi: shut up jimin, dinner is almost ready,sit.

~ after dinner~
[ yoongi on call in balcony]
yoongi: if you're free then meet me tomorrow.
??: ok mr min I will.
yoongi: thank you.
??: how is jimin?
yoongi: that's why I want to meet you na.
jimin: Y..YOON...[ yoongi turn]
yoongi: this kid..
yoongi: ok bye.[ call end]
jimin: S.. stupid..s.. sneezing and s.. standing..h.. here.
[ he touched yoongi forehead,tears started rolling from jimin's eyes]
jimin: i.. increase.
yoongi: relax relax let's go inside.

[ they come inside in room,yoongi lay on bed and jimin cover him by blanket.]
yoongi: can you please stop jimin, I'm not die.
[ jimin lay on yoongi and hug him tightly.]
jimin: d.. don't..t.. talk..l.. like this.
yoongi: ok but I'm sick, stay away and why are you crying nothing is happen to me.
[ jimin lay beside yoongi]
jimin: y.. you..s.. sleep I'm h.. here.
yoongi: no need, sleep.

~ next day~
[ dr checked yoongi]
dr: fever is gone Mr.min, but take some rest. jimin sit on bed.
jimin: m..me..?
yoongi: you was stay with me,sit.
[ yoongi hold jimin and made him sit]
dr: so Mr min how are you feeling. seems like you didn't sleep well. [ jimin nodded as no and look at yoongi]
dr: don't look at him,, are you scared from him.
[ jimin nodded as no]
dr: don't just nod boy, talk. tell me about your favourite things.
[ jimin look at yoongi with confused face]
yoongi: give answer baby.
jimin: b.. but..
dr: no but Mr.min tell me.
jimin: y..yoongi..
dr: your husband.[ jimin nodded] ok.
now go outside I want to talk with your husband.
yoongi: dr will give me injection, you wait outside..
[ jimin nodded and went outside.]

dr: Mr min I'm telling you, you're husband need counciling.
yoongi: but I don't want. Dr I don't want to show my Jimin, that he have depression. please try to understand, I saw how people behave in depression, sometime our one mistake become reason of their death, I don't want to lose my Jimin, I can't
dr please tell me I can do anything.
dr: ok Mr min as your wish, I can't force you, just take him for routine check up.
yoongi [ in mind]: I can't take that risk again, I don't want to repeat my mistake...no baby nothing will happen to you.


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