World is Bad?

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[ yoongi come in kitchen]
yoongi: breakfast looking tasty.
jimin: I'll..s serve in...t..ten m.. minutes.
yoongi: 10 minutes, I'm getting late. I'm going take care.
jimin: b... but.
yoongi: shuuu...[ kissed on jimin's forehead]
yoongi: I will miss you.[ he left]
Jimin: d... didn'
jimin [ in mind]: I will miss you
and I...[ blush]

[ jimin come out from house]
Jimin: y...yoongi..
yoongi: what?
jimin: b... bye...
yoongi: come here...[ jimin come towards yoongi, yoongi pull jimin in hug]
yoongi: want to tell you something.
[ jimin look up]
yoongi: in almirah, there is some money and card also if you want to buy something then take from
there and you'll go by yourself ok, don't forget you're my strong boy. if anyone messed with you then you'll beat them ok... should I go?
[ jimin nodded as no]
yoongi: No... stubborn leave me. you're my good boy right.
[ jimin nodded as no]
yoongi: huh leave me..[ jimin hold him more tightly]
yoongi: jiminie stubborn leave...
[ Jimin move back and look down.]
yoongi: let me check are you sad...
[ yoongi touched jimin's tummy,jimin giggle.]
yoongi: noughty go inside, I'll try to come early.
[ jimin smile with nodded]
Yoongi: go inside.[ jimin nodded as no]
yoongi: oh god, my kid is behaving too much stubborn, you
stay I'll go...[ he look away]
yoongi: see I'm not looking at you.
[ jimin come to yoongi,he hold yoongi's chin and move his face towards him and smile]
yoongi: jimina you wanna beat [ jimin nodded as yes.]
yoongi: you know very well, that I'll not, listen na very important meeting.
jimin: so... sorry...
[ yoongi fold his arms]
yoongi: don't be sad, I like this jimin noughty boy.
[ jimin hug yoongi,tears escape from his eyes]
jimin [ in mind]: after so many years... I behave like this stubborn... they snatch my childhood... my Mochi...
yoongi: jiminie, baby what happen... crying...are you angry ok I'm not going today, I'll postponed the meeting.
[ jimin wipe his tears and look at yoongi with smile]
jimin: h..husba..nd.
yoongi: stupid, you don't think you're talking too much, I'll show you later.
[ jimin open car's door,yoongi sit in car]
yoongi: I think, I have to take your permission min Jimin can I go.[ jimin nodded as no]
yoongi: sorry Mr Jimin but I'm not going to listen you and this is final, I'm going, take care baby...
[ jimin nodded and yoongi drive the car.]

- At Afternoon-

[ jimin pack the tiffin]
Jimin- [ in mind] you didn't eat anything, I'll surprise you I take some money and address card.
[ he take bag, wear his shoes, And come out from house, and lock the door, and started walking.]
[ taxi stop infront of jimin]
Jimin- u.. uncle.. I..w... want to g.. to m..min in.. industry
driver- come sit.

[ jimin sit and driver started driving.]
driver- son min industry for what?
Jimin- h.. husband.
driver- working there [ jimin nodded]
driver- he have good job then, it's really big thing to work in min industry.
[ jimin blush and look down.]
Jimin- [ in mind] everyone know you.
[ taxi stop in front of building.]
driver- your destination.
[ Jimin pay and come out.]
Jimin- t.. thank y.. you u.. uncle.

[ jimin enter and stood in front of elevator.]
Jimin- [ in mind] he said on 10th floor.
boy- excuse me, are you coming?
[ Jimin nodded, they enter in elevator.]
boy- where?
Jimin: t..tenth...f.. floor.
[ boy give smile to Jimin]
boy- you know, I come here for interview and I'm so nervous.
Jimin- d.. don't w.. warry..
boy- warry, that is the problem, I heard the boss is very rude, savage cold ass.
[ Jimin look at him with little anger.]
Jimin- d.. don't s..say l.. like t.. this.
boy- why and why you looking at me like this.?
Jimin- m.. my hu.. husband y.. Yoongi..
[ boy wide his eyes.]
boy- Yoongi..min Yoongi [ jimin nodded with anger.]
boy- I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to
Jimin- i.. it's ok.
boy- don't tell this to boss, I'm really sorry sir.
[ jimin smile and nod]

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