I want to live with you...

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~ next morning~
[ yoonmin come out from car]
yoongi: remember na what I said you, don't take stress I'll call you when I reach ok. flight is at 12 am
I'll call you when I reach airport, so don't sleep ok.
jimin: I..w... will..n.. not..
yoongi: take care my kid,come I'll drop you inside...
[ jimin nodded as no..]
jimin: o.. office..l.. late.
yoongi: ok go.
aunty: oh son you come, good morning yoongi.
yoongi: morning aunty.
aunty: why you standing here,come inside..
yoongi: I'm getting late for office aunty, bye jimin.
[ yoongi is about to open car's door but stop,he turn and look at jimin,he come to him and hug him.]
yoongi: I'll miss you so much and whenever you want just call me ok and one more thing don't cry please.
[ yoongi touch jimin's tummy.]
yoongi: you didn't eat breakfast properly.
jimin: I..w.. will...t.. take care..d.. don't..w.. warry.
yoongi: hmm..
[ he kiss on jimin's forehead]
jimin: t... take..c..are.
[ yoongi started taking steps,jimin hold his hand, yoongi turn]
yoongi: don't cry na baby.
[ yoongi wipe his tears.]
j'aunty: why are you crying jimin,let him go.
jimin: p... please..t.. take..c.. care of your..self.
yoongi: I said you I will, I'm not baby like you now give me smile .
[ jimin smile]
yoongi: can I go now..
[ jimin look down and nodded ,yoongi left from there]
j'aunty: don't cry baby..
[ she grab jimin's hand and dragged him inside house]

aunty: ruhoon see who's come...
[ ruhoon come close to jimin and grab his chin]
ruhoon: yesterday you call me sult...
[ jimin scream in pain,ruhoon push jimin]
ruhoon: eomma ask him has he brough money or not.
[ jimin's aunty snatch jimin's bag, and open it.]
aunty: do you think it's enough, ruhoon send this photos to his husband.
[ jimin nodded as no while crying,she slap jimin]
j'uncle: leave him, don't spoil my mood in morning.
ruhoon: but dad he didn't..
j'uncle: shut up.
jimin: u.. uncle..s..say..hy..ung to..d.. delete..p.. photos.. I.. p.. promise.. I..g.. give..m..more..m.. money.. next.. month..
j'uncle: too long sentence, so he teach you how to talk, think, I need to cut your tongue..
jimin: t.. then..w.. why..y.. you.. not..k..kill me.. I'm.. tired. p.. please kill..me..
[ uncle stood in anger and take his belt in his hand]
j' uncle: half dead is ok jimin.?
[ he take steps towards jimin,jimin started taking steps back in fear]

~ time skip~
[ after so much struggle jimin open his eyes]
jimin: I.. I'm..y.. your..st.rong b..boy.. but..its p.. paining..y..yoongi~ah.
[ he touch his forehead,he feel wet.]
jimin: d.. don't..w.. want to..l.. live..
jimin [ in mind]: but I'm selfish, I want to live with you until I die,come before your kid die...
[ jimin's phone started buzzing.]
jimin: y..yoon..
[ he pick the call]
yoongi: min Jimin just saying missing me, but you didn't even have a minute for your husband. how many times I call you, but you're busy in
enjoying with your family,ok fine don't call me and I will also not.
jimin: y..yoongi.. I.. love..y.. you..
yoongi: I don't want that also.
[ yoongi cut the call]

~ mean while park's~
ruhoon: why just why dad,why the hell you didn't take his sign,that time also didn't stop
this fucking marriage. [ shout]
j'uncle: just shut up...
j'aunty: but I also want to know that, why you not take his sign and why you beat him that much badly..
uncle: l feel so pleasure after beating him and you two don't you dare to ask me about sign, and what you
thought,if we take his sign, he'll not tell that min Yoongi.
aunty: all is messed..
uncle: now it will messed up...[ evil smile] ruhoon baby go sleep, you want that shit right.
I'll give you just wait for right time.but don't be over smart till.
ruhoon: good night dad.[ he smile and left]
aunty: it's mean we're not going to take this property.
uncle: you know na what we did for this property,if min yoongi will find out that we want jimin's property then he'll not take much time
to find out about our past. take money from jimin, when he give you.
and make sure his fear increase more... I know he'll not open his mouth until we're not delete that photos, now sleep.
uncle [ in mind]: min Yoongi I didn't forget what you did.
now with you your lovable husband also have to pay.

~ at midnight~
[ ruhoon come downstairs and saw jimin is sleeping on floor, he come towards him and caressed jimin's face
jimin immediately open his eyes,he jerk his hand and back away]
ruhoon: baby boy I feel so sad, seeing you in pain. why you marry with that yoongi,look now I have to blackmail you, just except my offer I'll delete that photos and don't warry your husband will not know about it.
[ jimin get up and wipe his tears]
jimin: n.. never.. I..o.. only..y..yoongi's.
ruhoon: only yoongi's let's see how long..
[ suddenly door bell rings]
ruhoon: who the hell.
[ ruhoon open the door]
ruhoon: you..
yoongi: can't I.
ruhoon: I mean you didn't go.
yoongi: flight got cancel.
[ jimin heard the voice,he immediately wipe his tears and cover his forehead by hair and come towards door, he look at yoongi,yoongi rolled his eyes]
ruhoon: come brother in law.
yoongi: no I don't have time, ruhoon I'm taking him with me, don't disturb uncle aunty tell them in morning.
[ he look at jimin head to toe.]
yoongi: no need to make sad face,if you don't want then I'll go.
[ jimin's eyes got teary,yoongi touched jimin's cheek]
yoongi: what is this jimin red.
[ he remove jimin's hair from his forehead]
yoongi: wound...
ruhoon: he slipped in bathroom.
yoongi: where was your mind, and you didn't treat it.
[ jimin hug yoongi,yoongi caressed his back.]
yoongi: what I said you take care of yourself didn't I. why you make me worried huh...
jimin: I.. I'm..s.. sorry.
yoongi: hmm, are you coming with me?
[ jimin nodded, yoongi grab his hand and take him out from house.
he made jimin sit in car,yoongi caressed his hand from jimin's face]

yoongi: if you behave like this then I'll not allow you to come here, I don't like when someone hurt you, not even you. and I hate if someone ignore me specially if that person is my husband
so be careful before hurting me, bcoz hurting min yoongi is world's worse thing.
[ he started driving.]

~ time skip~
[ yoongi hold jimin's arms and made him sit on bed, and treat his wound. then yoongi left for freshen up]
jimin [ in mind]: I know you're angry, but how can I tell you that I was unconscious whole day.
[ after sometime yoongi come out from bathroom and lay on bed,
backfacing jimin,jimin move closer to yoongi and put his hand on yoongi's arm and rest his face on yoongi's back.]
jimin: I...w..was..un.. unconscious..t.. that's..w.. why..
yoongi: what...
[ yoongi immediately turn and hold jimin by waist.]
yoongi: what jimin unconscious,but it's just small cut,were you dizzy?
[ jimin started crying,yoongi pull him more closer]
jimin: I..w.. will..d..die..
yoongi: no.. jiminie.. why are you talking like this, look at me,
you're totally fine.. please jimina don't talk like this.
[ jimin wipe his tears on yoongi's shirt.]
jimin: i..if.. I m..d..die..t.. then..a.. also.. I'll.. l..love you.
Yoongi : just shut your mouth,or
jimin: b.. but_ [ yoongi press his lips on jimin's, they both close their eyes, without moving lips.]
yoongi: I know you love me, so I can kiss you, [ jimin look down]
yoongi: is I make you uncomfortable, I'm sorry don't think that you're complete 18 and I'm.. I..
[ jimin put his hand on yoongi's mouth and nodded as no]
jimin: n..no..need..per.. permission..y.. you..c.. can..
[ jimin remove his hand and smile]
yoongi: can I again hmm...
[ jimin close his eyes,yoongi kiss on jimin's forehead,
and pull him in his chest]
yoongi [ in mind]: I need to do something, I don't want to lose you jimin.
yoongi: jimin.
jimin: hmm.
yoongi: how small you are, can I wrap my leg around you
[ jimin blush]
yoongi: why I'm asking permission, little kid.
[ he wrap his leg around jimin]

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