let Yoon love You...

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Next Day

Yoongi- bye bye ok.
Jimin- b...bye y..yoon c..come on t..time.
Yoongi- ok darling.
[ jimin blush and run from there
Yoongi smile and left.]

[ Jimin enter in class and sit on his bench]
yeonjun- jimin can I ask you something? [ Jimin nodded]
yeonjun- that man, who is he?
kook- yes yes jimin, tell us there is no secrets between friends right, who is that handsome whom you hugging that much tightly. [ Jimin blush.]
Jimin- y..yoon my h... husband.
yeonkook- what [ shocked]
kook- you're married? [ jimin nodded.]
yeonjun- yoon Jimin, Yoonmin cute.
kook- ya so cute. actually tae said me that you two giving husband Vibes but I said maybe your boyfriend.
my hubby is so intelligent.
Jimin- h.. hubby? [ kook blush]
kook- I mean my future hubby. [ jimin smile]
kook- Jimin you're so lucky.
Jimin- y.. you're so g..good in s.. study
you w..will h..help me na i..if I n.need.
kook- ofcourse my dear. [ he hug jimin.]
yeonjun- I also. [ he join the hug.]

One Month Later

[ yoonmin is sitting on bench in garden.]
Yoongi: it's ok Jimin,it was accident.
Jimin: N...No y..yoon she b..bump inten...tionally.
yoongi: no baby it was accident,she said sorry also.
Jimin: b..bad..g.. girl,y.. you're..i.. innocent y.. yoon. I w.. want to b..beat ...h..her,y..yoon is..m..mine.
Yoongi: oh my possessive darling.[ he pull jimin by waist]
yoongi: now don't behave stubborn yoon is all your.
[ jimin hold yoongi's arm and rest his head on his shoulder.]
Jimin: I.. I..l.. love you y..yoon. I'm s.. sorry j..jimin b.. bother you na.

yoongi: I told you na only you have rights to bother me.
[ jimin's eyes fall on kids and smile appear on his face.]
jimin: l... look..y..yoon that..s.. small is m..mochi and o..other o..one is his r...ruhoon h..hyung..
[ yoongi look at jimin in shock and caressed his hair]
yoongi: baby.
jimin: r...ru..hoon h..hyung.[ he hug yoongi tightly and started crying. yoongi started caressing his back.]
yoongi: jiminie stop baby.
jimin: h...hyung a.. also.. played w.. with me, w.. when j..jimin was s.. small. b.. but a.. after a.. aunty s..shout he s..stop p..play with j..jimin. h..hyung was not b..bad
a.. aunty s.. snatch my..h..hyung.
yoongi: but hyung also change na baby,he did bad with my jimin,he deserve punishment.
jimin: m.. my..h..hyung..

yoongi: jiminie are you missing him.
jimin: y..yoon is h..he ok...he w..was c.. crying. is he r..really c.. change y..yoon.
yoongi: you want to meet him.[ jimin nodded as no.]
jimin: j.. just..m..mochi m.. missing his old h..hyung but j.. Jimin h..hate him..[ Jimin wipe his tears]
[ Yoongi kissed on jimin's forehead and pull him in hug.]
Yoongi- it's ok baby..

Few Days Later

[ jimin is standing in balcony while looking at road yoongi come and backhug him]
jimin: n.. now..y..yoon will.. not s..shout ri..ght.
yoongi: why.
Jimin: c..coz it's n.. not c..cold..o.. outside.
[ yoongi kiss on jimin's neck]
Jimin: y..yoon are y.. you s..sad?
yoongi: jiminie I'm sorry.
[ jimin turn and cup Yoongi's face]
Jimin- w... what h... happen??
Yoongi- yoon have important work, so he have to go out of country, so tomorrosw I have to leave
.[ Jimin take off his hands.]
Jimin- a... always d..did.
Yoongi- jiminie just for one week.
[ jimin shook his head and enter in room.]
Yoongi- Jimin.
[ Yoongi come behind him, Jimin sit on bed.]

Jimin- w..why y..yoon, t.. tomorrow h.. have to go a.. and t... telling n..now, w..why a.. always c... can't you t..tell
b... before..[ Yoongi hug him, tears started rolling from jimin's eyes, jimin hug Yoongi more tightly.]
Jimin- d... don't go I s.. scared..
Yoongi- just for one week baby and eomma appa will come here.
[ Jimin broke the hug and touched Yoongi's cheek by one hand.]
Jimin- y...yoon is b... bad so b...bad.
Yoongi- you're my strong jimin, don't be stubborn.

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