Chapter 6: Perfectly Mysterious Stranger

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SM owns the Volturi and Alec etc... I own Sam...

Sam's POV

After two days, running at night and hiding during the day, I reached Volterra (which is about 305 kilometers from Rome). Luckily on the third day thick, gray clouds covered the sky so I was able to keep on searching during the day.

I broke into another house, and stole some clothes but most importantly I had to do a little more research on exactly, where I could find some vampires. The situation was getting weirder by the minute. I couldn't know for sure if there really were any vamps here and it was simply frustrating. Maybe they fled the country after they escaped St. Markus or maybe the saint had really killed them all though I would really give a thumbs down to that theory, considering a vamp's speed and strength that makes him unbeatable to a mere human. I saw some pictures of the feast and noticed its setting: a stone fountain and a clock tower. Luckily my eyes started to dilute the crimson color so I could always ask but I had to be one hundred percent under control so I had better hunt before I go around asking anybody…

Just then I heard someone near the door, I could smell the scent of blood getting stronger, approaching me. Snap out of it! I yelled mentally and it worked. I quickly closed the web browser, took my clothes and somersaulted out of the window. I ran until I found some woods. I had been getting better at hunting and I actually managed to learn not to spill blood all over my clothes.

I heard some deer running by. Well, better than nothing. I ran and caught up with the animals in a second. Their instincts taught them to be afraid of an abnormality like me so they panicked a little. I lunged for one of them but before my hands could touch the fur of the animal, I felt a steady blow from the side, and before I could do anything I was nailed to the ground. When I tried to see who it was, my eyes went blank but no fog this time.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" said a calm but firm voice. Whoever was holding me was clearly a male. Well, I wasn't about to show any fear.

"No, the question is, who the hell are you and what are you doing to me? I haven't done anything to you. Get the hell off of me!" I said while I tried to struggle to get out of his grip but it was all in vain. I was paralyzed.

"Answer my question and we'll see if I can let you go," he said quickly.

"Look, I won't answer anything before you let me go. I swear to God I'll..." I said but I was interrupted.

"You'll what? Kill me? You're in no position to make death threats," he said but I slowly began to regain my sight and I was struck. His eyes were burgundy not crimson like mine had been but his face was so angelic …in a deadly kind of way. He was holding me so tight that our lips where only a few millimeters away from each other. With his chisel good looks and brown hair that softened into a lighter, sandy tone I found myself breathless. I felt something, almost a trigger in my heart even though it doesn't beat.

"Wait, you're a vampire" I said numbly. I could almost hear the disbelief in my voice.

"Yes, so are you. Now that we got the obvious out of the way can you answer my question?" he asked me mockingly which I took as an advantage to get him off of me. I pushed him off with all my strength until he was finally lying on the ground a few feet away. I swiftly got up and tried to stay in what I hoped was a threatening position. Hah, if you can call putting your hands in a Karate Kid position then yeah, I was the most intimidating creature in the world... not.

"Well, my name is Sam and I came here to look for other vampires. I was turned about a year ago in Malta and I came to Italy because of the larger hunting space. I don't hunt humans and you rudely interrupted me while I was catching my lunch," I explained my life to this mysterious stranger that I just met two minutes earlier while he attacked me. "So what's up with you? Why did you jump on me like that?"

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