Chapter 9: Pity

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SM owns it all exept for Sam

"I'm so sorry; Alec but I really don't need your pity." Stupid ole' me. Why do I always screw up? Can't I just be one of those teens who normally get into hyperventilation mode when a hot boy tries to kiss them? The question answered itself. No, because I wasn't exactly normal, was I?

He swiftly got up and dusted his black shirt. "No, don't be sorry. I shouldn't have been so… demanding. But believe me that wasn't pity at all." He looked at me intently, obviously trying to decipher my unreadable expression but my poker face was back on. I didn't reply and the silence suddenly grew tense and awkward.

"You need to hunt." Now he really took me aback. But it was true; I was mighty hungry. "You're eyes are pitch black. Usually they're golden. He explained to me.

"Oh, now I get it. Yeah, I really need to hunt."

"Alright, shall we go?" he asked me casually.

"We, as in you and me?" Alec? Hunting? The world was seriously going topsy turvy.

"Yes, as in positive answer." He had a slight smile on his lips.

"Mhm…Don't you usually get your meals um… imported?" I pointed at the visible tip of the clock tower.

"Yes but I decided to give hunting a chance" he answered.

"Let's make this a little bit more fun. Can you smell that deer about 3 miles from here?" He closed his eyes and I waited for him to nod. "On the count of three, we'll see who can get to it first. You ready?"

His eyes snapped open and he nodded. I began counting. "One… two… three…Go" and we sprinted deeper in the woods at the speed of light. I beat him by a good 200 meters and I wasn't even trying my hardest. I could see him forcing himself to run faster but he just wouldn't keep up with me. I slowed my pace until he was running by my side. I grinned smugly at him.

"Damn, you sure can run. You just might be able to outrun Jeremy." He said.

"Jeremy?" I didn't recall ever knowing a Jeremy.

"He's in the guard though one of the lesser members. But he is a very useful messenger."

"So where do I classify?" I asked him with curiosity.

"You really mean that you wish to join us permanently?" he said as his angelic face lit with the prospect.

"Not permanently but I do intend to join you for quite some time if you will be kind enough to show me your hospitality. So answer my question…"

"With a gift like yours you can easily fit in with the most important members of the guard." He finally answered.

The deer's smell was getting stronger as we were very close. "So you want to do the honors?" I asked him even though I was starving.

"Ladies first." I nodded and surpassed him. The poor deer never saw it coming. My hands grabbed him and snapped his neck. I felt the need to snap the neck of each animal I killed so that they wouldn't suffer and death would come and carry them away quickly like a breeze of wind. I pulled him closer to my bared teeth which ripped its skin and drank his blood. It had a hideous taste but it calmed my thirst the moment it hit my throat. I managed not to spill one single drop on my clothes while Alec watched me with interest as if I was an octopus opening a jar.

"Want a bite?" I asked him, unaware that my mouth must have looked disgusting. I remembered after I spoke but by than it was too late.

"I'm sorry but it really smells bad." He looked at me with a face of pure disgust.

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