Chapter 51: Love in the Rain.

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Alec's POV

I bit my lip to stop myself from rushing over there and ripping off his head. When was he going to learn not to mess with me about Sam? On impulse to protect my mate, I got off the couch and made my way to the door. A hot hand gripped my arm to stop me. I turned around to look at Jake in annoyance.

“Let me go.” I muttered darkly under my breath. I didn't know for sure what I was planning, but my mind was racing, anger fueling my thoughts. “Dude, you're not thinking straight. You'll end up doing something you'll regret.” Logan warned me. I shrugged and shook my arm out of Jake's grasp. But as I tried to get out of the door, Alex, Danielle and Bonnie stood in my way.

“Alec, please calm down. You won't achieve anything by killing Daren. You'll only make Sam furious.” Nessie reasoned with me. I knew that she was right but my mind couldn't see reason. There was only one path I could see ahead of me. Murder. A voice in my mind kept chanting, kill, kill, kill. Kill him or he'll steal her away from you. I couldn't allow that. I'd never allow that. Furthermore my scent no longer lingered within her so I was twice on edge. I felt the old, pre-Sam Alec take over me. The sadistic creature that I had been a few years ago. I growled at them and the guys instantly sheltered their girls. I was about to use my power on them to get them out of my way but Logan and Alex beat me to it. Alex mentally pinned me down to the wall furthest away from the door and Logan slowly sent calming images to me. It was of Sam, lightly caressing my hair and placing small, reassuring kisses on my neck and collarbone. Her calming features soothed me, and slowly pre-Sam Alec disappeared and left me in peace. Once I was calm and composed Alex let go of me. I opened my eyes and found six worried faces looking at me. I instantly regretted losing control like that.

“I'm so sorry. I swear I never meant to become so aggressive. I just lost control for a second. Again I apoligise. I'm mortified by my behavior.

Jake smiled emphatically at me. “Hey, no blood, no foul.” he said.

“Alec, you know Sam wouldn't cheat on you for the world right? She loves you Alec, you two are the biggest proof of love in the world.” Nessie stated. Again, all she said was true. I loved Sam and she loved me too, we were made for each other. I mean what are the odds of two different people from totally different backgrounds, hell even different eras, could ever met and turn out to be so perfectly carved out for each other.

“I know. It was just a moment of... weakness.”I said, the last word uttered with difficulty.

“Sure you're alright?” Danielle asked me with a worriedly. The others all mirrored her look of worry.

“Yes.” No, not really. I wanted Sam next to me where I could protect her. No Alec, stop, you need to calm down. I warned myself. I made the corners of my mouth twitch up in a pathetic attempt of a smile. I was tired of being surrounded by so many people so I excused myself, grabbed my laptop and went to sit in the balcony. I meaninglessly surfed the net. I felt as if was back in Volterra, hopelessly trying to find something to fill my endless time. I looked at the time. Twenty minutes passed... barely. I hated Daren. I utterly loathed him.

The sound of the door key inside the door was like the best orchestra to my ears. I abandoned my laptop and rushed to the door. Sam entered with Daren close behind her, carrying the groceries. “Oh, Alec-” I cut her of with my lips firmly pressing on hers.

“Oh, I could get seriously used to that.” she said, her voice sounding cheerful. She kissed me on the tip of the nose and giggled. “Come on, we need to get going. I bet Jake and Nessie are starving.” she said, pulling up the cuffs of her shirt. She dragged me in the kitchen and handed me a knife. I looked at Daren while I juggled the knife in my hands. I gave him a dark look that didn't need words to be understood. He shrugged and went of doing whatever. Almost everybody turned around the kitchen table to see what Sam was doing. To be honest I wanted to be alone with Sam. It had been a while since we kissed properly so I couldn't wait till we were alone. Sam showed everybody how to cook tortellini with ham and mushrooms, an Italian specialty, I believed.

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