Chapter 52: Mummy Issues.

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Sam's POV

"Come on, woman! How long can it take you to pack up a few bags!" Jake hollered as we all waited for Nessie to pack. "Coming!" I heard her shout from inside. I went back inside to help her. She was jumping on top other luggage which just would close it was clearly way too over packed. I sighed and called the girls to come help too. Danielle, Bonnie and I got on top of the luggage to press them together further than they already were. After much struggling and even begging for the boys to help us, we managed to close it.

We called a couple of taxis and pilled up our luggage in each. Jake and Nessie got in the same taxi as me and Alec.

We told the taxi drive to head towards the nearest airport and we drove away. "So, you do realise that we're planning to leave the country without actually having an idea about where we're going?" Nessie pretty much summed up our whole situation. I sighed. "It's what I've been telling you this whole time! You can't just randomly go to the airport at eight in the evening and expect to pick your flight there and than, these things take planning." I ranted.

"Sam, you worry too much, let us arrive at the airport and we'll deal with it then. There's nothing else we can do anyway." Alec said as he put his arm around my shoulders.Thankfully the taxies were seven seaters so we had all the space we needed.

"Women." Jake said from the seats behind us, as it was some reason as to why we worried so much. "Yep, though they still make our lives difficult we wouldn't have them any other way." Alec said to Jake.

"True that." the werewolf answered. I saw the aged taxi driver smiling in the rear view mirror.

"You know, you remind me of me and my Olivia." he said in a heavy British accent. "We fight like cats and dogs but we wouldn't live without each other." I returned his kind smile and he continued focusing straight on the road. After about a couple of hours we arrived to the airport. Alec and Jake went to get our luggage from he back. Just as I was about to pay the driver I had a vision of his wife having a seizure. I looked at him with sorrowed eyes as I payed him. "Sir, today I suggest you take the rest of the day off, go to your wife and tell her you love her. It's the best thing you can do today, I think business will be slow." something about my voice. Maybe the seriousness with which I spoke made him realise that something was up as he nodded absentmindedly and left. When Alec asked me what I meant by what I said to the taxi driver and I explained my vision to him he kissed me softly on my cheek. "Not everybody can be as luck as us, but at least he'll get to help his wife when she'll need the help." We took each other's hands and waited as the others arrived. When we arrived in front of the information desk everybody started making suggestions where we should go. Some suggested Greece, others Germany or Spain, no one agreed on one thing, that is until Daren, being the fat mouthed douche he is, which I still love as if he was my own brother, suggested the one place I resented and hoped to never set foot on

The place where it all began, literally - Malta.

"That's a great idea!" Daniel we said, her eyes brightening up.

"Yes, we'll get to see the place where the glue of our little group was born!" Bonnie said. I looked at her questioningly. "Glue?"

"Yes, you're like glue, Sam. It's because of you that we escaped Gaius and that we're here today." Alex continued.

"Well Ale did most of the work." I mumbled. My mate shook his read. "No really, I just incapacitated him. You where the one who pulled yourself together enough to unite the group into one, despite the pain."

"And if it weren't for you I wouldn't even be alive, so thanks." Daren mumbled under his breath.

"If it weren't for you I would have never had the courage to talk to my son, face it, Sam, you are the glue." Logan summed up.

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