Chapter 25: Empty Rage

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Chapter 25: Empty Rage

Sam's POV

I ran out of the house, feeling like the coward I was. I found myself running towards the supermarket where my car was. As soon as I found it I got in. The sun was shining brightly in the sky today so I had to be careful. I rode back home driving like a formula 1 driver. I picked up the hooded jacket I leave in the car just in case I get caught outside during daylight and it's sunny and slipped it on and took off in the forest. I found a vicious bear and since it was spring season it was more irritable than usual. I took out all my frustration and anger on the poor animal. I drained it dry and left it lying on the ground. I paced around, kicking the ground and punching everything in my way. When I had practically destroyed everything on the ground, I climbed up a tree, pulling out all the branches before they hit me. I ran through the trees, dodging branches. Finally, about an hour later the anger that fuelled my strength was disappearing. I was no longer upset for what Emily had said. Instead I was left broken and alone.

This slightly felt like when was going through the process of becoming a vampire. I wanted someone to hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright. Sure, Emily had done that but I needed someone else to do it.

I needed Alec.

I wanted Alec. 

"We were supposed to be together for eternity." I said to myself. I loved him too much to be able to forget him. I missed him. He was my mate so he was supposed to be with me.  

I missed him telling me he loved me, or grabbing me from behind and wrapping his arms around me. And when he jumped on the bed with me or when he sprinkled the rose petals on me when we made love. I missed how possessive would get over me and I even missed his cute innuendoes that used to make me feel so hot.

I had to go to him. I could not survive one more day of immortality without him. 

I rushed out of the forest and ran until I found a public telephone. I had left my mobile at home and what I had to do couldn't wait any longer or I'd chicken out.

I dialled the number from the letter, the number I had read over and over and learnt by heart. The phone rang and a woman picked up the phone on the fourth ring. I gasped in shock. Had Alec met another woman? That's impossible; he's MINE. I wanted to rip this bitch's throat off. I realised she was a secretary and sighed when she answered the phone in her chirpy Italian voice. "Buon Giorno, Palazo dei Priori, comme vi posso aituare?" (Good morning, Clock Tower. How can I help you?)

"Sto cercando Alec. Posso parliarli, per favore?” (I'm looking for Alec. Can I talk to him, please?) I heard her gasp over the phone. 

"Siete cherta che non avete il numero sbagliato?” (Are you sure that you don't have a wrong number?)she asked me. I fumed in frustration.

"Sono piuttosto sicura che questa è la torre dell'orologio chiamata Palazzo dei Priori a Volterra, dove Alec - non tanto alto, capelli castani, pelle molto bianca - risiede.” (I'm pretty sure this is the only clock tower called Palazzio dei Priori in Volterra where Alec - not so tall, brown hair, really white skin - resides.) I said with thick irritation in my voice. 

"Mi hanno informato che lui non è qui. Volete lasciare un messagio?”(They have informed me that he's not here. Do you want to leave a message? ) she asked me. I wasn't expecting this. I was thinking... Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. Was I going to tell him that I'm coming back, only to be manipulated by Aro again? I could always hang up and pretend this never happened. But then I'd fall back into my usual depression. I needed him so much, yet I had to stay away from all those who surrounded him. This is what I call choosing between two evils. 

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