Chapter 17: Angelic Devil

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Sam's POV

"Sam, how can you be in here?" I heard Heidi ask me.

"The blood doesn't bother me anymore." I answered her absentmindedly. I was focused on the one vampire who was looking at me with her lips curling into a sneer. I was not intimidated by her. I let my poker face on and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"To what do I own the pleasure?" she asked with sarcasm dripping down her voice.

"I want to talk to you. Alone." I said. I was ready for whatever she wanted to do to me but she had to hear what I had to say at all costs.

"Very well. Let's go outside." she told me. She dropped the dead body and stepped on it as if it was some piece of junk. I couldn't help the look of total disgust that crossed my face. We walked silently to the garden until she stopped in front of the rose bushes and faced me.

"So, what did you want?" she asked me.

"Look, I know you don't like me but I really don't know why. And I don't even want to know 'cause it isn't my business. But now that it's affecting Alec, it is my business. If you don't like me fine by me, that's your problem but you can at least respect your brother enough not to make his life miserable." I said. I felt as if a great load was lifted off my shoulders.

"I'll be honest with you, I never expected that you had enough courage to come and face me. Especially when I can twist you like a twig on the floor if I want to." she said with a hint of surprise and lethal sweetness.

"You can burn me all you want. But I can't let you keep doing this to Alec. You're hurting him. Just get your fun off me and burn me all you want but stop being a jerk to Alec. He doesn't deserve it. You have no idea how much he cares and worries about you. He can't get over the fact that he couldn't be there for you when you were human. And now he's tearing himself apart because you're making him choose between you and me. I jut can't-" I was interrupted by her dainty hand and she grabbed my throat and squeezed.

"Did Alec tell you about our pasts?" she whispered menacingly at me. Her nails were digging in my throat.

"I had a vision about you getting raped. You were human and I asked him what happened." I grunted. I didn't like the way she was holding me. I waited until she looked deep in thought and pushed her away from me.

"How did you dare to infiltrate my past, you filthy little girl!" she shouted at me.

"It was involuntary. Do you think I would want to see what you went through? I'm not sadistic!" I shouted at her. "When you attacked me with your mind I fell in a daze. It turned into a vision since all I could think was why you were doing that to me. Seriously, Jane. Please answer me."

"I... My brother has changed since he met you. Believe me, what he's showing you, is the good side of him. You wouldn't like to be in the feeding rooms when he's thirsty. You haven't seen how many people we have slaughtered. We are sadistic and we don't really hide it. If you had seen what those humans had done to us, you would justify our actions too. But now all the fun we used to get together stopped because of you. He won't do anything as we used to do as he's afraid to upset you." she said to me. I felt my eyes boggle out. She was upset because her brother wasn't killing and slaughtering as he used to. Wow!

"But Jane, imagine you are one of those humans you kill for fun. Why would you want anyone else to feel your pain? If I were you I'd try to save anyone who would have to go through that pain." I asked her.

"I don't know. But it makes me feel better. As if I was avenging what happened to me. And anyway, what do you know about it? You were probably one of those who laughed at the lonely and misunderstood kids."

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