Chapter 15: Bless my still, unbeating heart

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SM owns it all, I just own Sam, the vampire who has clearly too many issues to deal with!

Chapter 15: Bless my un-beating heart

"Sam..." I said and tried to grab her. I could see the agony and shame roll over her face. Her reflection in the mirror was simply agonising. She looked as if she wanted to claw her eyes out. I tried to comfort her but she vanished before I could get to her. I could never get used to how fast she was. I tried to go to her by following her scent. She ran through the forest, through the green vegetation

I had been running for almost an hour. I had almost arrived to the northern part of Italy. Finally her scent was getting stronger. I heard the sound of splintering wood and unrecognised words which sounded a lot like cursing. Sam never ever used her native tongue to talk. Once I asked her why and she told me that she wanted to forget her past as it held nothing but bad memories for her. It only proved how seriously upset she was.

She didn't seem to see me but I knew that she was aware of my presence. I was at a perfect angle to see her. She had a thick, pointed branch in her hand which she was trying to stab herself to death with, but obviously it didn't work.

"Sam, put that down. It won't work." I told her and took the branch from her hands and threw it away.

"Nothing works! Wait! Perhaps I can find a werewolf to tear me to pieces. What am I saying, were-wolfs don't exist!" she mumbled frantically.

"Actually, were-wolfs do exist. And I might even add that they are the natural enemies of vampires. They can be quite deathly to inexperienced vampires." I said to distract her. She looked at me with round eyes.

"Are there any here in Italy?" she asked me fervently.

"No, Caius had them wiped from Europe and most of Asia. We're not sure if there are any packs in Africa and Australia but we are sure that there are some in America. Though the one pack we know of is made of shape shifters who coincidentally took the shape of an enormous wolf, rather than mortals, who changed to a wolf shape during a full moon." I told her.

"God, it would take me days to get to America. Alec, please finish this. Let me die in peace. I'm tired of fighting it. You have no idea how hard it is to always be in control of the need. I hate it. You see what I do when I lose control for just one moment." she said as she paced around until she finally crouched down and put her hands on her cheeks and whimpered and sobbed. She looked like an abused teenager, rather than a vampire who was feeling bad about killing someone. I wanted to calm her down, make her forget and understand.

"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" I said. She looked up which was just the effect I wanted. I went and sat next to her and put my arms around her shoulders.

"I really don't deserve you." She whispered as she huddled closer next to me.

"Don't ever say that. I want to tell you something Sam. Have you ever wondered why vampires were created in the first place?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Well, of course we have no real proof, but I consider us as a defense mechanism towards humans. Humans are not all good. Some have led to countless wars and bloodshed of innocent people. But we are able to stop them, aren't we? We are the perfect machines. What you did was only natural, you can't possibly blame yourself. Perhaps you can find a way to balance it. For example, if you go on these Italian streets you'll find Mafia and gangs. By feeding on them you're preventing them from spilling more blood." I explained my logic to her though I already knew her answer.

"Bad or not they are still people. And tell me Alec, what makes you any different from a mafia serial killer? You've probably shed blood a thousand times more than he has. What tells me that he should be the one to die and not you." she challenged.

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