Where it all started

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I heard the sounds of Crows, wind blowing, and the sound of people surrounding me, talking.

I woke up, fixing my eyes to the ceiling above me,

"Thank goodness, your awake" a woman said to me

I moved my head to the sound of her voice, seeing a woman sitting next to me, she had long beautiful braided hair, resting on her shoulder

"You were unconscious, in the grass outside" she said

I sat up slowly, making her jump to catch me

"What...happened?" I asked

My mind was blank, i couldn't remember anything from before now

"I don't remember anything" i said again

Her face looked concerned for me

A large man soon walked into the room walking to the woman

"What happened" he asked

"Love..." She said

The both looked at me slowly before leaving to room to me alone

I stood up seeing I was in black sweat pants, and in a layered long sleeve blue shirt, soft ok the inside and rough on the outside

Soon the woman came back in walking towards me and putting her hand on my back leading me out of the room

"My name is Sif" she said making me sit in a chair outside of the room

"The man you saw was my husband, Thor" she said moving my hair out of my face

"Sif is a wonderful name" i said

She smiled

"What is yours?" She asked

"I.." i looked at the ground trying to remember

"Do not fret child, i will choose, you seem like an Y/N" she said

I looked at her like a puppy that has glitter in its eyes

"I love that name!" I said

She smiled

"Come with me, you must be hungry" she said

I stood up following her out of the hallway we were in, I looked at all of the rooms, seeing one with a young girl in it, training.

We walked up stars and into a big hall where a lot of people sat eating

She sat me down away from everyone and gave me bread and soup

She sat a crossed from me as i ate

I watched everyone having there conversations, laughing, eating, drinking, but one specific person stood out to me, he was standing away from everyone at the end of the table, watching them while he drank, Sif saw this and immediately answered all the questions in my head

"That is Heimdall, the god of foresight, do not worry about him" she said

"Oh.." i said

After I finished my food, Sif showed me around the house they lived in, she showed me my room and left me to roam around the place

I walked back to the room i saw the girl training in, as i peaked into the room she realized and saw me

"You know you can come in right?" She said laughing

I walked in her room cautiously

"You don't need to be scared, I'm not going to hurt you" she said wiping the sweat off of her face

I smiled softly at her

"Ahh! There it is a smile!" She said putting her sword down and walking to me

"Thrúd thorsdóttir" she said sticking her hand out to me waiting for me

I grabbed her hand and shook it

She soon started to talk to me about training to become a Valkyrie

We walked back to the main hall and sat down again

After a while of sitting i felt eyes burning into the back of my head, i turned around and saw Heimdall staring at us

"Y/n?" Thrúd called

"Is that normal?" I said pointing to Heimdall

She quickly pulled my hand down

"Do you not know who he is?! Don't do that!" She said

We heard chuckling behind us

"Wow! You kids are fun to watch, laughing enjoying life! You seem so... Happy to be talking about me" Heimdall said walking up to us with his hands behind his back

Me and Thrúd looked at each other scared

"Oh, don't worry your pretty little head Y/n" he said grabbing Thrúds saved bread

"Hey!-" she said trying to snatch the bread, but he swiftly moved his hands out of the way

He laughed

"Your so... Pathetic" he said before walking away from us

Thrúd grided her teeth

"Don't get worked up for him, he's a waste of time" i said putting my hand on her shoulder

She sighed and stood up

"Come-on let's get out of here and walk around town" she said waiting for me at the door

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