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Hello everyone, I can't believe how much attention this book has gotten. I'm so happy that I was able to satisfy Heimdall simps and probably piss off all of the people who've been hating on him. I'm so happy that i was even able to be one of the most popular "Heimdall x reader" authors and be known to most of the Heimdall stans. I'm so greatfull for all this attention and love that I've been getting since I've created this book. I cannot fathom how much I appreciate all of your requests and all of your ideas, they all make me so happy to hear everyday. But I've come to say more than that. I'm discontinuing this book. Life has been getting pretty rough for me and I've been trying my very best to try and keep up with everything that's been coming to me in life. but my mental health has really been taken a toll on me and I just can't bring myself to write or work on books anymore. Although I'm not a very great author I still am working twords into becoming one. I know when this book first came out it had a very rough and rigged writing style and I deeply apologize for that; I'm not very good with writing and like I've said before, I am working to become better on that topic. I'm sorry that I've left you all on a little cliff hanger, and I'm so sorry that I've completely disappeared for almost 4 months and have not let you all know whats then things on. I hope that maybe in the future I'll be able to continue this book once I've cleared my mind and moved forward. If you all would like to continue to "keep in contact" with me, then don't be afraid to follow my Tik Tok (Ghostz0n3) I make edits of Gowr and don't post as much as I should be😭. I love you all so very much and I thank you for all that you've done for me. Goodbye for now, and perhaps I'll see you all soon ♥️!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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