What an ass

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Thrúd showed me around the entire town, the last place we went to was the bar

"Now when we get in here be careful there's a lot of weirdos out there.. I'm pretty sure you can handle your self though, aren't you like 20 or something?" She asked

"I don't know?" I said lifting my shoulders

"Ehh who cares! If any guy hits on you I'll be sure to scare them off"she said showing off her muscles

I snickered at her

We walked into the bar and saw people were spread out everywhere in little groups or alone

Thrúd had to turn in her sword so that she couldn't hurt anyone

We soon moved deeper into the crowed of people cheering at something or someone

"Stay close! It is really easy to get lost in a crowd like this" She said grabbing my arm

As we moved farther to the front of the crowd we saw Thor chugging mead

While every one cheered him on, Thrúd had a look of disbelief on her face

"Dad!?" She said

Thor stopped drinking and looked at Thrud, you could hear an 'aw' from the crowd

"What are you doing here.." he said slurring his words

Thrúd stood with her hands on both sides of her hips

"Get out" she said

He sat there looking at the cup of mead he had in his hands drowning out all around him

After a few minutes the crowd soon started to disappear, seeing that Thor was done for the day

Thrúd sighed looking away from her father, not wanted to see him like this anymore

"Let's...get outa here Y/n" she said walking away from her dad

I quickly tried to follow behind her but got blocked by a drunken man

He pushed me back making me fall into a table

I groaned getting back up and trying to walk past him, but he would not budge

"kom på svett hjerte, vil du ikke ha en smak av meg?"
(Come on sweat heart, don't you want a taste of me?) He said smirking at me with his buddy's

I pushed him away and quickly moving to where I last saw Thrúd

"Thrúd!" I yelled after her

I pushed crowds of people out of my way trying to find an exit but i only found my self in the corner of the bar

I sighed

'Maybe i should just wait untill the bar is closed' i thought

I hear a similar laugh to the one I heard this morning

"This bar does not just 'close' they work here 24/7" Heimdall said drinking out of a mug

"But don't worry! The crowds do seem to calm down about...hmm let me see... Oh! Never!" He said letting his cup fall to the ground

It made a loud sound which made everyone go quiet for a moment

I jumped at the sound

"A little twitchy are we?" He said putting his hands behind his back

"If your going to talk shit, then leave me be, i don't need to hear you 'cry' to me" i said crossing my arms

"But that's the fun part" he smiled

I looked away from him resting my back on to the wooden walls

"Your such a Diva" he said walking away

I relaxed my shoulders and looked above the crowd to find an exit, Thrúd is probably worried about me by now

After forever of pushing and fighting i finally found an exit, as i left the building i felt relief and way safer

I walked back to Odin's house, and went straight to my room

I laid in my bed closing my eyes,

as i felt my eye lids get heavier and my body turn numb, I started to remember things, from before I had woken up here, I remember being friends with at least 6 people, dwarfs, a young boy, a witch, a man, and a....head?

I woke up with sweat dripping off my forehead, i looked outside, and saw the sky was black, as stars shined in the night sky, the moon was the only thing that lit up my entire room, everything else was quiet, and still

I rubbed my head feeling my stomach begging for food

I walked out of my room as quiet and quickly as i could, i moved past Thrúds room and past the all father's study, I peeked my head into the main hall seeing no one there but delicious food

I walked to the table and grabbed a sandwich (idfk💀)

After i finished eating it i cleaned everything up, leaving no evidence i was ever there, but something caught my eye

A leather book

I walked over to where it sat on the table, grabbing it, and feeling the leather cover, i turned to the first page reading the name of the book

"I see you found my book?" Heimdall said from behind

I turned around frightened he was even awake at this time of night

He rolled his eyes

He laid his hand out to collect his book

I gave it back to him not wanting to make him angry

"I'm sorry" I said

"No need to be sorry" he said sitting down

"This book means nothing to me really, only to keep me entertained" he said flipping through the pages

"If i can ask.." I hesitated

He looked up at me with his bifrost eyes

"What is it about?" I asked

He hummed

"It's about our culture, our people, the Asier, but I'm sure you won't be interested" he said closing the book

"Don't be so sure of that" I said placing my hand on my hip

He raised his eyebrow

"If your so very certain that you'll like this? Then read it, my challenge to you" he said throwing me the book and bowing at me

I caught it and held it in my hands

He yawned

"Now, if you could, let me sleep" he said walking away to his room

He seemed much nicer than earlier today, maybe he's just tired

I walked back to my room and sat on my bed, i opened the book and started reading the very first page, maybe I could learn more about there language,  and maybe just maybe why he is such an asshole!

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