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As he breathed on my lips, i stared into his Bifrost eyes, seeing the colors swirl into eachother

He's so, perfect in a way, he may be a dick, but there's somthing about him... Something that makes me feel so thirsty for him, i want him so badly

He smirked

"You know I can hear everything your saying in your mind?" He said trailing his hand up my shirt

I started to feel heat rise up to my top half of my body, feeling his touch on my back made my spine shiver and my legs shake

"Maybe... Just maybe, you might get what you desire so much tonight" he said removing his hands from my body

"Meet me in my room at midnight, that's an order" he said before leaving me, in a shaking mess

I had gathered my self back together and went into my room to process what had just happened, I started getting ready for the night, thinking about what might happen makes my stomach twist and turn.

When I finished getting ready I looked to the night sky seeing the moon was full and right in the middle of the sky, that's my que

I snuck out of my room silently, not wanting to wake anyone up, I only wore socks, as i got closer to his room, i started to get nervous, why would Heimdall want to do this, out of all the gods why him? Why would he want to... Be with me?

Before I could knock on his door, he opened it lifting me up into his arms, he closed the door and lifted my back onto the cold walls

"Now, should we start talking about our plans dear?" He said in a low tone


He moved his face closer to mine, softly brushing his lips against mine, The more i looked into his eyes, the more I wanted him

He grinded against my waist, making me grip on to his shoulders,

"If you wish to do this with me, you must say please.. it's only the right thing~" he said moving away from the wall and placing me in his bed

"P-please" I squeezed out

It felt embarrassing to say that for a god to fuck you

He got on top of me holding both my hands with one of his, and the other trailing down to my crotch, he moved my pants and underwear out of the way to push his fingers into me

I felt goosebumps form on my body and my face turn red, he took a liking to this and slowly started to thrust his fingers into my body

I whimpered quietly, he moved to my face again but this time kissing it, his tongue beggin to be let in, once I opened my mouth I could taste his, Tasting a little bit of Mead and the sweet taste of apples

He pulled away, leaving a string of saliva come from our mouths

He removed his fingers out of me and moved them to his lips licking them

Soon he pulled his shirt off, his pants and his underwear

I looked away not wanting to make him feel weird

"Don't worry love, you can stare all you like" he said grabbing my face and making me look at him

"But, don't you think it's unfair that I'm the only one naked?" He said looking at my chest area

"Maybe I like it that way" I said smiling

He sighed and pulling off my clothes, the cold air reached my skin making my body freeze

"Don't you think we should do this some place warmer?" I asked

He laughed
"Soon, your going to wish it wasn't so hot" he said

He moved to my neck biting it every now and then, slowly, he started moving down to my stomach, then to my crotch, he carefully lifted my legs onto his shoulders and moved his lips to my bud,

I tugged on the fur that sat on his bed, moaning out his name, as he started teasing faster and faster i felt that i was close

He pulled away licking his lips

"W..why did you stop?" I said, my whole body trembling

"Because it's my turn" he said smirking at me

We switched places, now it was my turn to please him

I got on my knees, staring at the god that sat Infront of me

I grabbed his dick, stroking it not to fast, but not to slow, he closed his eyes, feeling my hands touch him ever so gently.

After a minute of stroking him, he grabbed my hands with his,

"Y/n... Let's do it" he said, his voice sounded shaky,

We switched places... Again, and he moved on top of me

He placed his dick to my entrance, waiting for me to allow him into me

Once i gave him permission he entered in, it felt like hell for the first few seconds, and Heimdall saw it

"Do you wish to stop?" He said

"No! I'm ok... I just need time to adjust" i said

He nodded his head

After my body adjusted he started to thrust into me, I gripped onto his shoulders, it went from pain to pleasure, back and fourth,

He moved my body closer to his to move faster into me, his breath touching my ear every time me moved out of me, once every couple of thrusts he would say my name under his breath

He started moving faster, making the bed shake, he slammed into me one more time before filling me

I moaned out his name one more time before we both fell into eachother

We both soon moved underneath the fur he had on his bed

He moved his hand to the side of my face and kissed me one more time

"Thank you Y/n.. that was amazing" he said moving his body closer to mine

I smiled at him before we both drifted off to sleep next to each other


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