First Day On The Job

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Its only been a couple days after that talk on the wall, you and Heimdall both gathered up the courage to confront the All father. You both now we're walking up to the Lodge, both your hearts pounding in your chests.

"What if he has no job for me?" You ask, scared

"He will have one, you must trust me, like I've said, do not be scared" Heimdall said reassuring you

You both made your way past the dining room and into the side hall, you made it to his study and stood at his door where he sat on the otherside of.

You breathed in deeply and pushed open the door, startling the All Father.

"Y/n! Heimdall! What a treat, what are you both doing here?" He asks looking up from his map

"Hello Father.." Heimdall says walking close to his desk and you inching behind

"We are here to ask something of you" he started. He looked to you making sure that you are still willing to continue on with this plan.

"And what is that question?" The All Father asked now seeming more interested in the conversation

Heimdall looked back to you, waiting for you to answer him. You gulped, and looked to the All Father

"I.. i don't want you to kick me out!" You said stupidly

You cringed on the inside, I should have just gone to the point! You thought

"I.. i mean! I want to see if you have any jobs available for me? I'll take any!" You said quickly correcting your mistake

The All Father was taken aback by your request but answered quickly

"Actually.. i do have some jobs available for you" he said reaching in his drawer and pulling out a scroll. He opened it up revealing a list of names

"Are these.. chores?" You asked

The All Father laughed

"No! The last thing I need is a maid, these are a list of jobs you may be interested in" he says waving his hand to you urging you to come over, you walked closer to his desk as he showed you the list. Heimdall also leaned in.

You scanned the scroll seeing nothing you seemed to like, they all where either helping with the residents or just staying in the Lodge and helping with paper work. But one caught your eye and same with Heimdalls.

"That one" Heimdall pointed to,

"Assisting a God or Gods with highly dangerous missions that could or could not kill them?" The All Father said almost laughing

You looked to the both of them

"They will help me with my missions, and I will make sure they are to not die." Heimdall said turning to you again

The All Father shook his head up and down slightly before turning to you

"And are you fine with this? It may be permanent.." he said

You shook your head in an instant.

"Very well! It's settled!" The All Father said

"Y/n, this is your chance to prove yourself not useless" the All Father said

You smiled as if that didn't hurt you deep down

The All Father had already assigned a mission for the both of you, it was a simple one; going beyond the wall and making sure everything's is in its place.

You both left Asguard and set foot outside the ginormus wall. You both walked around New Midguard making sure the Citizens where alright and had no problems, but it seemed like Heimdall didn't really care for them much.

You both eventually left to the bridge where some teen was sitting, flipping his coin.

"Oh my goodness!" He said standing up quickly

"Is that.. heimdall?" He said almost jumping with excitement

You snickered quietly

"Yes it is me. Who else could i be" Heimdall replied

The teen seemed to have a meer panic attack but quickly bowed to him?

"S-should i show you around town your.. godliness?" He asked now standing straight

Heimdall sighed

"No, this pathetic rubble means nothing to me. I've already seen how sad and meaningless it is. And if you wish to impress me and Y/n here we've already lost interest" he said

The teen had a shocked expression on his face but it was mixed with some sadness

You felt pity for him and looked to Heimdall

"Come on, he's just a kid?" You said

"And what does that have to do with anything?" He responded

You rolled your eyes and turned back to the teen

"What is your name?" You asked

The teen had a small smile on his face

"Skjöldr, and by the way Y/n's a real nice name" he replied

"Thank you, your name suits you!" You replied

"Y/n, now is not the time to make friends to some mortals" Heimdall said

"But it wouldn't hurt?" You said laughing

Heimdall sighed out of frustration

"Fine, you have your inutile mortal conversations, but if the All Father catches you not working-"

"The All Father?! You work for the All Father?!" Skjöldr yelled

You smiled

"Yes! But Heimdalls right, we should get going, it was nice to meet you" you said walking away with Heimdall

"Why does everyone do that?" He said

"Do what?"

"Why do you have to make 'friends' there a waste of time.." he said

"They are not a waste of time, it's nice to have friends, they care for you when you can't care for yourself" you said

"So.. are we just friends?" He asked

You looked at him dumfounded

"No. I believe we are much more than that" you said blushing slightly

He nodded his head agreeing

You both headed back into Asguard after the extremely short day sue to the author being lazy asf.

You both walked to the front of the lodge before Heimdall stopped you grabbing both of your hand and holding them in his own.

"Y/n.. if we are truly more than friends, then i want you to know this." He said. the setting sun made his purple eyes shine and sparkle in the sunlight

"I love you. I love you more than anything else in this world. You are above me and are worth more than anything in all of the nine realms. You mean so much to me and.. I'm sorry if I haven't made that clear before" He said, his face grew more pink the more he went on

You where at loss for words. It was so weird to hear him say these things. A god, that has fallen for a mortal (or god, whatever fits u)

He saw you thinking this and he smiled softly

"Is it truly that weird to hear me say that?" He asked now pulling you in his arms

You smiled

"Yes, i never new you could be this.. this sweet" you said

He pulled away from the hug

"Sweet? Am i.. sweet?" He asked

"Mhmm" you said

He laughed quietly, embracing you again, nothing else mattered but you and him. You were truly the one for him, and he would do anything for you, even if that ment for him to lose his job.


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