Back To Asgard

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You fell on your back hitting the cold frozen snow, you felt frozen  for a couple moments, you had felt a shock shake through your body before you quickly pulled your self back up turning to Atreus

"what the actual fuck?!" You yelled, angered but also surprised at him

"I.. im sorry! I don't know what came over me!" He apologized as he stood up holding his arms close to his body to gather warmth.

You sighed heavily "we need to find some shelter, before we freeze our asses off" you said as you started to wander around the area, it wasn't familiar to you or Atreus. you two eventually found these red leafed trees, Atreus seemed to recognize them and ran up to one excitedly as he looked up to it.

"Red trees, Freyas house!" He yelled as he started to run down the trail Infront of you guys. You ran after him, it was already so cold because of fimble winter, but to make things worse it was snowing. the wind was harsh and cold, it felt as if you were in an ice cube as you both ran, snow felt to your cheeks and body as you pushed through it. You guys eventually had come to a stop as Atreus had started mumbling to him self, you stood Infront of a large turtle like creature, it was freezing to death, you two were lucky enough that it was even still alive as Atreus explained that there was a house underneath it or apart of it.  you two convinced it to stand up for a moment so you could enter Freyas old house, it groaned and started to stand slightly, it was trembling as if it hadn't done any movement for years, you two jumped into the house before it could fall to the ground again.

"I can't believe Freya didnt come and check on you" Atreus said to the creature, Chaurley. "I guess she was to busy fighting us.." Atreus said

"Us?" You asked

He looked to you as he ripped up paper and set it into the old fire place "me and my father; my father had killed her son, Balder, so she was out for revenge." Atreus said as he lit the fire, instantly making the home warmer than it was before, the creature also became happy as the fire grew, you sat close to the fire warming your frozen fingers.

"I.. still can't believe all this, about losing my memory, being friends with you guys, it is impossible to believe." you said looking into the yellow and orange hues of the fire as it danced ever so gracefully.

"No, i understand, it takes time to adjust to those things, if I'm being honest i wouldn't believe it either" Atreus laughed as he stretched his legs out to the fire to warm them.

You two sat at the fire warming up, untill you heard a tapping at the window you had closed, Atreus stood up and opened it, letting his curiosity get to him, there stood one of Odin's crows, Huggan. They started to talk about if Atreus was ready to go to Asgard, you watched curious to why he would have any business in going there, he was a meer child. You remembered the conversation that him and Kratos had had, he would only go there to stop somthing bad from happening, but what?

You stood up now walking close to Atreus "what.. what are you doing?" You asked

"I'm going to Asgard! Your other home" He said throwing his hands into the air to make it exciting for you. You smiled at him. Soon enough, many ravens had flown around us just like before when Odin would have to transport you to your missions. Atreus watched the ravens fly around you two in amazement, it was like he had never seen anything like this before, you then felt the floor change in your feet, the floor had disappeared and you and Atreus fell to the lake of Asgard, you slammed into the water unprepared for the sudden fall. and swam back up to breathe, you moved your arms to your sides moving back and fourth to keep your self afloat, gasping for air while Atreus was struggling to stay above and out of the water, you swam to him quickly and grabbed him helping him back onto the land.

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