Fight later, Make up now😻

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After the loud thunder Atreus pulled the quiver back with an arrow, he let the arrow go, letting it glide through his two fingers, he shot to Heimdall, before it could even touch Heimdall he moved just in time and caught it with his left hand, he took a look to it laughing quietly at his effort, he turned to Atreus angrily before Thor appeared Infront of him, they had a little argument before Heimdall backed down with his arrogance and he walked away from him. the All Father appeared and seemed "surprised" to see you back in Asgard. It was after you all had talked when Heimdall decided to come back into the scene, interrupting the conversation

"The boy is false All-Father" Heimdall said with a smirk on his face when he approached the all father from behind.

"Is that true Loki, your a little trickster?" The all father said before waving his hand in the air to Atreus "I'm just messing with you; of course he means to betray me Heim-" the all father turned behind him to see Heimdall had walked to his right, hiding his grin from the kings face, the All-Father turned to him "Heimdall. Of course he's ment to betray me. I've given him no reason to trust me. Not yet!" the All-Father said

Heimdall looked to Atreus and looked back to The All-Father, The All-Father looked to him and sighed annoyed, he dismissed Heimdall away so that he could talk to Atreus, you stood there awkwardly and slowly scooted away to find Heimdall to see why he's being such a dick. He was in the lodge drinking his mead like usual watching over all the Asier. You walked up to him with your arms crossed, he glanced over to you and sighed shamefully

"If your here to continue that argument then leave." He said having an irritated tone

You shook your head "why are you being such an asshole today?" You asked, you walked Infront of him, planting your feet on the ground and raising your brow, sounding genuinely curious to why he was acting like this

He shrugged his shoulders "why are you trying to betray The All-Father?" He asked you in return with a laugh

"I'm not trying to betray him. I simply.. fell into this situation! Literally.."

He laughed at you again "i mean. why where you with this 'Loki', he had horrible intentions regarding with The All-Father; if you weren't here with Loki to begin with you would still be on our side. but it seems you have a lot of debates in that head of yours telling you to stay in between us, your Family, and that 'Loki'" Heimdall said with a smug look on his face, knowing that he had won this conversation.

he was right, why where you even with Atreus to begin with,why did you trust them, they had no actual evidence that you had been friends with them at all. You released the tension in your jaw and looked to the ground, shaking your head once again, "your right, but those intentions that Loki had are for good, i know they are" you said trying to justify the kids reason for the apparent intentions he has with The All Father

He shook his head as his smile faded, "anything that is to do with betraying The All-Father, Y/n, are for no good reason, he is our lord, our king! Do you truly wish down fall on him?!" He said sternly as he started to raise his voice at you

"no! But-"

"No! You must get your mind back in your head Y/n. Do you seriously think that Lokis ambitions are going to do you and I any good?! He could get us killed because of who we are! Asier!" Heimdall walked to you setting his mead aside and pointing to you.

You stood in silence as he lectured you, he looked back to the ground putting his hand back to his side, feeling horrible that he raised his voice at you,
"I'm only saying this because i love you Y/n. Think about how he could tear us apart with his little 'stopping something bad from happening', he has intentions to destroy all of Asgard just to get what he wants"
Heimdall said resting a hand on your shoulder looking into your eyes with worry for his home.

You bit the insides of your cheeks as he spoke. Speaking of his home so fondly and lovingly, he really only wanted to protect it from all dangers... Even if he was a dick to all. You nodded your head din response, what were you thinking?

"I'm.. sorry, i don't know what I was thinking" you said with a small smile as you were trying to remember what knocked you out of your senses

Heimdall a small sigh before walking away and going to his room to rest. You stood there embarrassed as you realized that everyone could hear your conversation. You walked back to your room seeing Atreus talking to Thrúd. You smiled and walked up to them in Thrúds little training room

"You guys didn't invite me over!" You said smiling, pushing all the embarrassment behind you, Thrúds face lit up as she saw you and ran to give you a tight hug.

"Y/n!! You missed it I've made a new friend!" She said with a big smile as she let you go.

You nodded your head "Well he was my friend first" you laughed

Thrúd hit your shoulder, "right! Forgot you suddenly disappeared for a while. what was that about anyways?" She asked

You shrugged not wanting to really explain it to her. You three talked for a while, just to push all those.. angry feelings behind you for the moment, it was nice being back in Asgard being home with your friends and your "adoptive family". You finally parted ways with Thrúd and Atreus and walked to your room, you nodded your head to a few people that passed by you as you walked down the hall.
You inched closer to Heimdalls room and could feel your gut twist and turn telling you to talk to him. But he was mad at you for turning your back on the all father. You stood at the front of his door, crossing your arms  still debating wether or not you should bother him, you stayed deep in your thoughts for a while before you heard someone 'ahem' behind you. You jumped and turned around, it was Heimdall.

"I need to get in my room." He said holding his book in his right hand.

"Oh.. Sorry" you whispered moving to the side. he pushed his wooden door with his left arm open and gestured you to walk in with him, you followed walking into his room. His room had a clean smell to it, and everything was neatly put together now.

"You've cleaned up!" You said trying to brighten up the mood a little, he nodded his head, resting his book on his desk, he turned around back to you and held a soft smile on his face, he walked over to you and grabbed your waist gently pulling you close to him.

"..I'm sorry about earlier. I just wanted to assure that you knew what consequences your actions could have had ahead of you" he rested his chin on your head holding you closely. He spoke with a calm and warm voice, like he was trying to comfort you.

You hugged him back and held him tightly. He shouldn't have to apologize for something he was only "warning" you about. All you could do was shake your head no. He looked down at you and rested a hand on your cheek, he still had that soft smile on his face as he looked deeply into your eyes.

"If i do have anything tk say about this situation, i think this is what the all father wants. My mission-"

"He's told me about you mission.. after a few protests of mine" Heimdall laughs before hugging you once again

You laughed back while holding your arms around him and embracing him tightly.

A/N: y'all r gonna be fucking next chapter watch

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