He's back for more 🤭

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It has only been a couple weeks now after you mission with Heimdall. Staying inside this hospital for so long made you home sick. But the great thing about all of this is that Heimdall actually had some time to spend with you, with out having to fight anyone or having anyone else in your room. But finally today was the day you were to leave this hospital and go back to the Lodge. Thrúd came to the hospital and started to help you move back to the Lodge.

"Thank the gods your coming back, it's been so quiet without you here" thrúd said hugging you tight

You wince in pain "carful I'm still bruised!

"Sorry!" She replied

You both back into the Lodge and went to your room. You both put your clothes back to where they belonged.

"If ya want i can call Heimdall over once we're done" Thrúd rested on the door frame

"Yes please! But you know that you'll have to leave right?" You said smirking

"Ew! Fine I'll leave while you two have you little make out session. It's so hard to imagine Heimdall doing that to someone.." she mumbled before leaving

You laughed to your self and move to your window, you rested your palms on the window frame and watched the view to midguard. You where suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when you felt hands wrap around your waist

"I wonder who that could be" you said teasing

"It's only your favorite god" Heimdall teased back

You turned around towards him and smiled

"My god" you said resting your hand on the side of his face

He pulled you into a deep kiss wrapping his hands around your body, you kissed him back putting your hand on te back of his head and pulling him as close as you could, if that was even possible. He bit your bottom lip begging to be let in, once you gave approval and opened your mouth his tongue slithered in your mouth, you and his tongue fought for a slight moment but he eventually one, his mouth tasted as if he was just eating one of his many sweet Apples.

You both pulled away breathing heavily.

"You always know how to take my breath away" He said with a smug look on his face

You chuckled and shook your head

"I know other ways to take your breath away.. if your willing to try them that is" you said thinking about many dirty thoughts. And he saw all of it

He shivered with excitement once you said this

"I'd love to try them" he said, without hesitation he pushed you into your bed and pined your arms above your head

"It seems like someone has grown impatient" you said as he stared into your eyes

"It seems i have, but now that your here i can finally play out my fantasies" he said, as if this were his dream

He started to kiss you on your jawline, he slowly moved down your neck biting softly. He bit lower and lower untill he found your sweet spot, you moaned into his ear which made his crotch ache. He then started to suck on your neck, making your whimpers louder and louder. Once he was done teasing your neck he kissed lower, now the only thing from him kissing your bare body was your peice of clothing. He ripped it off you within an instant, showing your bare chest, you blushed and tried to cover your chest in a embarrassment

"Don't be embarrassed, it's only me" he said slowly lifting your arms away form your chest

He kissed your now hardened nipples from the cold air that sunk in your room from the open window. He tortured your chest for a good while, making you move all over the place. You squirming for him made him so impatient, it made him want you so much. Once he finished he pulled away again. He started to take off his shirt, then his belt and pants. Once he was naked he looked to you smirking

"It seems a little un fair that I'm the only one here naked" he said

You smiled "you could have just asked" you said, you took off your pants and underwear, you threw your clothes to the side and got back into your position

He looked at you as if you were something truly incredible. He soon started to move lower and lower untill he reached between your legs, he spread them open and stared at his dessert

"My, your already wet" he said sliding his finger into you

You gulped and shut your eyes closed

He moved his mouth to your skin, he soon made contact and made you moan loudly, as his tongue danced along your skin, nothing but pleasure came across your mind, Heimdall smirked at this knowing how only he can make you feel this type of pleasure. You could feel your self become more lose and comming closer to your high point, you moaned one last time before your sweet nectar were released. He stuck his finger deep into you, reaching for that nectar, once he pulled out he smiled to him self,

"Better than all deserts" he said licking his finger, he moved back down to your skin and started to finish eating your nectar.

Once he finished he pulled away and moved back to your face, your face now we're bright red from all the teasing and playing he's done

"Your truly amazing Y/n, i really hope you know that" he said kissing you again

You could slightly taste your nectar from his lips but you didn't mind. He pulled away from the small kiss

"I'm sorry.. i can't control my self any longer" he said looking guilty

You looked at him smirking

"Let's just get this over with, no?" You said

He smiled, he brought his tip to your edge as he held your legs around his waist. He looked at you for approval before pushing deep into you. It wasn't as painful as the first time but it still hurt slightly, he rolled his eyes back from your tightness surrounding him. He thrusted slowly into you, going In and out. He moved his face to your ear so you could hear all his moans or whimpers (i jus know he whimpers I'm sorry 🤭) you wrapped your arms around his torso, your nails digging into his skin, he started to move faster, shaking the bed and making it hit the wall quietly. He moaned out your name once he moved faster. You scratched your nails against his back and closed your eyes trying not to scream. He moved faster this time making the bed slam against the wall, every couple of seconds he would whisper, Fuck, or your name. He started to slow down slowly and he moved his face from your ear, he looked to you and stared into your eyes

"Y/n.. i want your eyes... On me" he said out of breath

You did as he said and watched his eyes. His beautiful bifrost eyes.

His breath hitched as he came into you, filling every inch of your walls. He stayed inside of you but you both slowly fell to your bed resting

You and him were both out of breath now, you rested along side him trying to catch your breath and as did he.

"You were right.. you did catch my breath" he said smirking

"Im always right" you said pulling his body closer to yours

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