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I woke up to banging on my door, I stood up and ran to the door opening it

"What happened!?" I said panicking

Thrúd stood there looking at me as if i were a zombie

"I was going to tell you that my mother needs you" She said moving to the side of the door

I rubbed my face

"Why?" I asked fixing my h/c hair

She sighed

"Just do it bed head" she said pushing me to Sifs and Thor's room

As i stepped into there room i saw Sif standing there hiding something behind her back

"Hello Y/n!" She said excitedly

"Good morning?" i said suspiciously

"I have a gift" she said walking up to me with her hands behind her back

"After talking with the all father, and the other gods, I've decided to take you underneath my wings!" she said

"With that, that means you will be living here with us!" She explained

"So i wanted to give you something to... Feel more welcomed, more apart of us" she said

She pulled her hands out from her back with clothes folded ever so neatly

I grabbed the clothes and unfolded them, i saw they had the same blue fabric that Sif wore on her dress, it had gold lace on the bottom of the shirt and at the ends of the sleeves, and felt so soft

"Thank you Sif, I love this!" I said

"No, you don't need to thank me" she said pushing me back to my room, urging me to try it on, when i had finished putting the shirt on i returned to Sif,

As soon as I had walked into the room, her face lit up like fire works

"It looks perfect on you" she said with the world's biggest smile

"Welcome to the family!" Thrúd said punching me in my shoulder

Little time skip

After eating breakfast i went back to my room to retrieve the book Heimdall had given me

I grabbed the book off my bed sheets and went searching for him

"Y/n! Wait up" Thrúd said running up to me

"Where ya going!" She asked walking Infront of me blocking my path

"I am returning this book" I said moving away from her to continue going to Heimdall's room

"Who's is it? The libraries? Because i can assure you it's not in here" She said

"It is Heimdall's" I said stopping Infront of his door


I covered her mouth not wanting to disturb anyone that was wandering around the halls

"Yes, now can you be quiet?!" I yelled

"It's to late for that now" Heimdall said behind me

I turned around to meet his bifrost eyes staring into my soul

"I wanted to-"

"I think I've heard what you've 'wanted to do'" he said ripping the book out of my hands, as he was about to close the door the only words that i could muster up was

"Thank you"

He paused for a moment

"It is my pleasure y/n" he said before closing the door

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