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I woke up with my arms wrapped around Heimdall's body, feeling his warmth and breath on my neck

I opened my eyes slowly, as the sun reflecting off of the wooden floor burned them

I quietly moved out of his grip and moved to get my clothes back on from last night, after I put my clothes back on I fixed my hair seeing it was a rats nest

"What are you doing?" Heimdall said with his voice scratchy

"Fixing my self" i said moving my hair around for the perfect position for it to rest in

He yawned

I could hear him stand up and pick up his clothes too, i turned my head and watched him pull his pants on and move his shirt over his head, he tucked in his shirt into his pants and put his belt on making sure not to have his shirt be to tightly tucked in

I smiled at this seeing how particular he was with how his clothing rested on his body

He looked at me smiling as well

"Why are you smiling?" I asked moving towards him

"Because all that I hear in your mind are sweet thoughts" he said pulling me by my belt and moved my body closer to his

I rested my hands around his neck, staring at his face

He moved his hands to my waist, and swayed slowly with me

"I never thought that... You, could be... Like this?" I said trying to spark a conversation

" neither" he said under his breath

He embraced me while I thought to my self, wondering why me? Why did he love me? What was the point of this does he want to use me? Or when he is done with me will I be thrown away like nothing?

He lifted my chin with his index finger, moving my face to his

"Y/n, never think those thoughts again, I would never, use you, nor will I, since the day we met I couldn't help but feel you were different... You thought differently, you acted different, you stood out when you sat with that crowd!" He said

My eyebrows raised

"You... Think that of me?" I asked

He brushed his hands through my hair

"Of course" he said

Soon after there were knocks at the door

Heimdall quickly shoved me into his closet, i Held my hands over my mouth, not wanting to make one sound

"Heimdall.." I heard the all father say

"Yes all father?"

"May i come in, we have-"

"Yes i know all father, and I'm very sorry, I wasn't on time today" Heimdall said

The all father laughed

"Do not be sorry... No not for that, you are off today... Remember?"

"Oh... Yes I forgot"

"Forgot? Something seems off about you today.."

"I.. I'm just tired that is all" Heimdall said

Odin hummed

"...ill just get to the point, if you would, there is some business to be taken care of outside of the wall, draugers, everywhere, you know what to do" The all father said before slipping out of the room

Heimdall opened the closet door again for me to leave

"Come with me" he said throwing me a spare sword he had in the corner of his room

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