Are you really ready?

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(lemonade la la lemonade 😍)

Yesterday you and Heimdall had your very first "mission" together, but now today is where the real mission will take place.

You wake up ready to kick some ass and maybe just maybe have a little make out session.. you get up and out of your bed, you do your hair and you dress in your armor, who know what the All Father will have you two do.

You walk out of your room and make your way to the dining hall where you start to eat your breakfast. Thrúd comes in as well and sits right next to you.

"Y/n!" She yells

You look to her and smile "well isn't it my best friend!" You say

She hugs you tightly

"I heard the All Father gave you a job?" She asks

You nod your head "Yes, and today I'm going to have a real mission!" You say excited

Thrúd seemed surprised but happy for you at the same time

"Well that's great! What's your job if you don't mind?" She says

"I'm assisting Heimdall" you say

Her face turned into a really look

"I don't know what you see in him, he's a asshole" she says

"Not all the time. He can be real sweet.." you said thinking about the night before

She raises her eyebrow

"Sweet?" She asks again

You chuckle, you felt a hand rest on your shoulder, you turn to see that Heimdall decided to join in on the conversation. You look back to Thrúd who also had a shocked expression on her face.

"Well if it isn't my favorite Neice" Heimdall says forcing a smile to his face

Thrúd rolls her eyes

"Why do you have to be involved in every single one of our conversations?" She asks annoyed

Heimdall sighs

"I'm just trying to be your friend, isn't that what you wanted?" He asked with a smug look on his face

Thrúd shakes her head and stands up

"Sorry y/n but he's all yours, I'll deal with him later" she says leaving you two alone

Heimdall sits next to you and smiles

"Now that we're alone again, we can finally enjoy breakfast in peace" he says grabbing a loaf of bread and splitting it, handing it to you

"You certainly quiet the gentleman today" you say taking it from his hand

"Only for you" he says eating the other piece

After you two finished eating you both went back to the All Fathers study, where he gave you and Heimdall the mission to find... The moon?!

"So where are we headed?" You asked

"Vanaheim, there you will find Sköll and Hati, they are big wolf's that chase the sun and moon from the sky, after finding them, come back to me." The All Father said

You and Heimdall shook your heads to the plan, Odin called his crows to you and they flew around you, taking you both to a jungle.

Heimdall sighed again "i shouldn't have worn white for this" he said

You giggled at him

You both started following this path deep into the jungle

"I want you to stay close at all times. there are wild creatures, monsters, that will kill you" he said grabbing a hold of your arm

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