Some Old friends

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It's only been a couple weeks since you both have started dating now, no one except the all father knows and maybe Sif. Recently Heimdall had been away from the wall and has been inside of Asgard no matter how many times you asked him why he scuffed it off or just found an excuse to not answer your questions, he also had been keeping you away from the main hall in the day time, he said that "if anyone were to know we were together they would see I'm weak!" Of course that hurt your feelings but you still had to abide, and it seemed more and more frequent for him to come back to the room and he would seem more mad, as if he were being bugged by some little kid who would just want to be friends with him (totally not referring to a little someone who's half giant and half god)

  After a long day of work you finally made it back to the lodge, falling onto your bed and resting your soar muscles, who would have known that holding a clipboard all day would make your whole arm soar!! You turned on to your back now your body facing the ceiling. You breathed a long sigh before closing your eyes, usually you would wait untill Heimdall came back from work so you two could get your daily kisses 🤭, but today was just a lot for you. You closed your eyes as your breaths slowed down, you could feel your conscience slowly drift away from your body and your body went limp. You were sleeping now your mind was blank and you saw nothing.. untill you saw a very bright light, brighter than the sun, you could hear faint voices in the distance, then you suddenly awoke to the hot humid climates of vanaheim, your eyes opened wide and you saw a young boy standing over you smiling, you sat up quickly looking at your surroundings You stood up looking at the boy

"It's nice to see you again!" He said happily

You looked at him confused, he had these very blue eyes and red hair he also had a large scar on his face showing he had been in many battles


"Oh right.. you must be really confused!" He said

You nodded your head slowly

"I'm.. Atreus! Your old friend?" He said

You shook your head in more confusion, he hummed before his face lit up again

"My father! You know my father, Kratos?!" He asked again

You smiled awkwardly saying nothing

He sat quiet before responding again "the man who killed baldur.. he has a red tattoo..?" He said

You soon started to remember those past dreams you've had about that man, Kratos.. you felt a woozy ness fall over your body making you lose your balance, you swung your hand to a near by tree and rested on it, your head was spinning like crazy and you started to feel sick

"Y/n!" He ran over to you and helped you to the ground

"What kind of dream is this?!" You asked, you didn't know who you where asking, but it felt necessary to yell to.. try to get rid of this confusion

He shook his head "this is no dream!" He smiled

Your eyebrows furrowed slowly

"So you.. kidnapped me from my home?!" You questioned

"No no... Maybe in a way but no! I saved you!" He said kneeling next to you

You shook your head "what do you mean saved me? You don't even know me!" You replied

"But i Do! Remember! When i was younger.." he started

"No! Take me home!" You interrupted

"Y/n.. please! Just.. listen to me" he said

You looked up to him seeing his face was serious now, you nodded your head for him to continue

He sighed "when i was younger, me and my father, Kratos, had found you hurt, you almost bled out to death! We saved you, and along with my other friend, Freya, we've all been so close since!" He said

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