A new date (request)

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A/n: this has nothing to do with the og story so just enjoy some more moments with u and jealous Heimdall 😻😘 (THIS WAS ALSO REQUESTED BY unknownsimpUvU)

Today was the day you decided to finally ask Heimdall on another date, it's been so long since you've two have just been in eachothers grasps or even have just been able to talk about other things than work! You got up from your bed after deciding for sure on what to do, you got dressed into one of Asguards finest clothing and you've even done your hair a fancier way than usual! You walked out of your room almost glistening in the lighting with your beauty. you went to find Heimdall, he was of course in his usual spot sitting down in the diner hall reading his book and eating his apple, you walked up to him with a smile brighter than the sun it's self, once he noticed you he placed his book down on his lap, still holding the apple in his other hand.

"Y/n.. you look fantastic!" He complimented

"Thank you" you said with a little bow

You hesitated before opening your mouth again to talk "i was.. wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tonight?" You asked, you held your hands behind your back to hide the fact that they were shaking with every word you spoke, although this is your second time of asking him on a date it was still scary to ask.

He looked you up and down slowly before looking away from you, he seemed like he didn't want to even answer your question

"Y/n.. you know.. people will think we are together, and I cannot have some.. woman/man ruin my reputation!" He spoke trying to keep his voice low and calm

You felt as if your heart were shattered "what?" You said feeling the lump in your throat grow more and more as time passed, you resisted the urge to even think about crying, you didn't want him to think that you were some weak cry baby..

"I just.. i don't want to seem weak! Who knows what could happen if anyone were to know that i would get with someone like you!" He.. chuckled softly(IM FIGHTING HIM FOR LAUGJING 🙄)

"..so your embarrassed by our love?" You asked

He tilted his head slightly and looked at the ground, you didn't need to hear him speak his words, it was as if you where the one who could read his mind instead, He was embarrassed for even being with you.

"Then what is the point of me even being with you!" You said angery, That was it for you, you could not control your thoughts nor your emotions or actions, so many thoughts went through your head you didn't even know why you thought to have talked to him, you got on your heels and turned around and walked out of the lodge leaving him.

You ran back to new midguard with tears streaming down your face, you could not believe him! All those moments you had spent together, did they all mean nothing to him?! You sat at new midguards bridge that connected the gap between the two lands together, you sat with your legs to your chest and your head in your hands, like a sad little girl. You heard soft pats of footsteps on the side of you

"Y/n? Are you alright?!" It was Skjöder, he came to you resting his hand on your shoulder

You looked up to face him, you tried to talk but nothing came out only a small squeak, he pulled you into a hug and squeezed you tightly, you hugged him back crying into his shoulder

"What's wrong?" He asked sounding concerned

"I.. it's Heimdall" you said crying through your words

"Don't cry over him, he's always been a jerk!" He said trying to calm you

"I know but.. it's not that! Me and him.. we had something, somthing great! And he said that he was embarrassed to even be with me!" You cried, you didn't even make sense but Skjöder got what you were trying to say

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