A new gift (requested)

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This past week has been amazing for you. First you got a new job that actually won't fucking kill you, and you got your brains fucked out by your "favorite god" as Heimdall put it.

After last night you and heimdall both went back to the Lodge to get some sleep. I guess now you two share a bed and you thought that it was nice for a change.

After waking up and eating you had to get back to work. You went down to new Midguard and started to watch the citizens do their daily things. No one needed any help yet so you stood on the bridge. You suddenly felt someones shadow behind you. You turned around expecting it to be Thrúd or Skjöldr but it was Heimdall!

"Wasn't expecting me?" He said pulling you into a hug

You hugged him back tightly embracing his body with yours, you soon let go "don't you have work to do?" You asked

"Yes, but the All Father did say I could come and see you every now and then" he said smiling

You smiled back "i forgot about that"

He grabbed a hold of your hand and started leading you to the village

"Where are we going?" You asked trying not to trip over your own feet

"I thought that you would want to walk around with me. That is.. if you wish to stay?" He said

"No! Walking is fine" you shook you head

He took you into New midguard and walking to the center, this village seems it has grown over night. He took you to where all the citizens sold their crops or goods. Then he took you far away from the village again and close to the ocean/lake that sat near Asguard

"Why have you brought me here? I thought you wanted to walk in New Midguard?" You questioned

He chuckled "i wanted this part to be private.." he said

He pulled out something from his pocket and covered it with his other hand.

"Close your eyes" he said whispered

You did as you were told and shut your eyes, you heard him move behind you and he wrapped something around your neck, he moved back Infront of you and grabbed the both of your hands, he held them firmly in his.

"You can open them now" he said

You opened your eyes and looked to your neck, a beautiful gold necklace sat on your neck, down on the bottom hanged a perfect F/C Jewel. You gasped and looked back to Heimdall.

"This is.. so beautiful!" You said letting go of his hands to touch the jewel

"I knew you would like it. That was made by the best Jewelry makers in Asguard!" He grinned brightly

You pulled him back into a tight hug squeezing him as tight as you could. He hugged you back softly resting one of his hands on your head and the other on your back.

"Thank you so much, i am so grateful to have met you" you said sighing

"Don't thank me yet" he said grabbing your hand again. He brought you more farther from the ocean/lake and lead you to a cave, as soon as you stepped in it got extremely dark, you couldn't see anything except for his glowing purple eyes that looked back at you every now and then. Once you started to see some light that's when Heimdall picked up his pace and practically ran to the light. You both stopped at the edge of the cave and saw more blue waters below the edge. The light shining from above made it more magical and glow, making the cave shine a blue. Fish swam below in the water and vines and grass grew on the exterior of the water lines. You kneeled down to touch the water, it was warm.

"How did you find this?!" You said in amazement

"On my breaks I would used to wander around these fields" he said kneeling down next to you

"Why have you brought me here?" You asked again

"It's.. as beautiful as you... So it reminded me much of you" he said looking back to you and having a small smile

You held a warm smile on your face, he was so kind when it was just the both of you. Everyone made it seem like he was some.. emotionless monster who cared nothing but his duety.

"Thank you.." you said blushing

He nodded his head and looked back to the waters when he suddenly decided to throw his sword to the side, you watched him wondering what he was doing. He soon after grinned at you before jumping in the waters, splashing water onto you.

"What are you doing?!" You asked him laughing

"Going for a swim! Would you like to join me?" He asked waving his hands in the water to keep him afloat

You soon jumped in after him, splashing him in the face as well.

"Don't splash me!" He said before smacking the water to splash you again

You gasped very dramatically and splashed him back, He wiped his face off and had a "shocked" expression on

"How could you?! Hit a god! And you messed up my hair!!" He teased, moving the strands of hair that fell out of his braids out of his face

"Like i care!" You said shrugging

He laughed and shook his head "you are truly something different y/n"

You both laughed for a few moments before you both decided that it was time to leave, by the time you got back to new midguard your clothes and hair were kind of dry but still wet. You both went back to your jobs after saying your goodbyes.


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