A New Job (contains nsfw)

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You woke up, your body aching from last night. You stretched your body and stood up putting your clothes back on. You felt dried sweat on your forehead so you decided to wash your self. Heimdall still slept peacefully on your bed. It seems that you tired him out as well. You left your room and walked through the halls.

"Y/n!" Thrúd yelled from behind

"Oh hello!" You yelled back, she ran to your side and walked with you to the wash room

It seemed awkward between you two for some reason. Either it's because you got fucked last night or she's not telling you something you don't know.

"Is something wrong?" You finally asked her

She seemed hesitant to talk

"Last night.." she said reaching her hand to her head scratching it

"What about it?" You asked

She laughed nervously "well i- i.. i could hear strange sounds comming from your room?" She said shrugging

You felt so embarrassed to hear her tell you this, you smiled awkwardly and looked the other way. Inside you did a face palm

"What? That's weird i was asleep!" you said resting your hands on your hips trying to seem like your telling the truth

"You must've had a nightmare then because you where shaking your bed!" She smiled

You bit the insides of your cheeks and forced a smile on your face

"Yeah! It was a horrid one, like the one I had about Heimdall" you segued

"Oh.. are you alright from it?" She asked

"Yes! I'm fine. Now you go train, im going to take a bath" you said

She shook her head and left in an instant. You walked into the washroom and took off your clothes, you sat inside the warm water relaxing your bones.

You sighed. You soon started to think about what job the all father has planned for you. Would you have to help old lady's cross the street? Or would you have to be a baby sitter? You were suddenly thrown out of your thoughts when Heimdall waved his hand in your face

"Y/n!" He yelled

You jumped

"God damnit! Don't scare me like that" you said

He laughed

"Well don't be thinking so hard" he said "I've come to tell you to hurry it up. The All Father wanted to see us" he said

You instantly thought about what Thrúd said, does that mean that the all father had heard you both too?

Heimdalls eyes widened slightly

"What?" He asked

You bit your lip

"Thrúd said she heard us last night." You said now getting out of the shower and drying yourself off

Heimdall seemed to be a little embarrassed and scoffed

"Maybe it was just her?"

"If she could hear us then maybe the whole lodge did!" You said putting your clothes on

Heimdall stood quietly having his fingers on his temples

"At least they will know that your mine" he mumbled

You raised an eyebrow

"What was that?" You smirked

"Nothing. We must leave now. We don't want to test his patients" Heimdall said opening the door for you

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