Let's Make Up (contains NSFW)

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Heimdall pulled away from the hug and looked to your eyes, his hand moving to your chin, a smirk appeared on his face

"But pushing that all aside.. i believe we have to.. 'make up' for all our time spent apart." He said, his voice deep and low now, his right hand held your chin gently and his left held your waist, he looked into your eyes, his own filling up with the lust and desire for you. You looked back into his eyes, your own smirk following up on your face.

"I think maybe your right." You spoke, he let out a small chuckle before moving both his hands to your waist, pulling you closer to him, he moved his mouth to your ear and spoke in a calm and quiet tone.

"Then let's get started." He said lifting you up and laying you on the bed, he spread your legs and placed his hips on between them, he moved his face to your, just centimeters away, his hands moving to the back of your neck pulling you even closer to him.

"Your.. beautiful.. much more prettier than anything in this world.. you mean so much to me Y/n.." he whispered to your lips, his hot breath touching your face.

he then pulled you into a tender kiss, his soft lips pressing against yours, as the kiss went on it grew with more passion, it grew more intense and intimate, he opened his mouth in the kiss, his tongue brushing against your lips, begging to be let in. You opened your mouth slowly, his tongue darting in and trying to find yours, you let out a soft gasp feeling his tongue enter your mouth. His hands trailed to the bottom of your shirt. he slipped his hands underneath it and moved to your upper back; his hands where cold and felt like ice, your shivered feeling the cold, he pulled away from the deep kiss with an even bigger smirk on his face.

"Whats wrong?.. feeling nervous?" He asked you. Then with a swift movement he ripped off your shirt, a smirked plastered on his face while looking down at you. his hands moved from your waist to your breasts.

"Heimdall.." you breathed, his hands cupped your breasts ever so gently, as if they where glass. he moved his thumbs over your nipples, feeling then grow hard (IM SORRY)

"Yes love?" He asked in a gentle tone, he caressed your breasts for a while, his thumb still gliding in that gentle circular motion. It was almost like he was in a trance.

you moaned quietly, feeling the passion and love he put all into his movements. Hearing you moan made him go crazy, he pressed his bulge against your damp fabric of your clothes, your pussy begging to be touched. biting his lip he moved his hands back to your waist. He leaned over to kiss you again, this time peppering kisses that trailed down to your jaw and neck, leaving small love bites on your neck as he moved lower to your collarbone, kissing along it gently, your breath grew heavy,  your eyes became half lidded, you felt like you where in heaven when you felt him kiss you so gently.. so soft..

"Oh fuck Y/n..." He whispered to your neck, he kissed to your breasts now, licking your hard buds, lathering them in all the attention they could ask for. he sucked on your chest tasting all of you, he moaned quietly feeling his passion for you grow you each second. You let out a louder moan as he teased you, he bit your bud softly wanting to see a reaction, something's that will make him even harder, something that will make him lose control..

You let out a small yelp feeling the sudden bite, you looked down to him, seeing him have a big smirk on his face, his deep purple eyes staring into yours and admiring your features, all of you. it drove him even crazier. He moved away from your chest after teasing it for a while, he kissed down your stomach and to your lower waist, still keeping eye contact with you. You gulped in anticipation.

"Oh.. don't stress, Y/n.. i promise I'll make this the best night you've ever had with.. anyone.." he whispered, his hands fiddled with your belt, it now thrown across the room. He pulled your pants off as well. He stood up straight, looking you up and down your body with a grin.

"I can't believe i have you all to my self.." he mumbled. He moved his hands to your inner thighs, pulling them apart, your legs now wrapped around his neck. he kneeled down, his lips kissing, teasing your grion, but with time he had kissed lower, soon kissing just above your clit. You felt your breath be taken from you, your heart was racing,  your face grew red, you had never felt more vulnerable in your life! He moved his fingers to your entrance, rubbing against it slowly, teasing you. He moved his lips to your to your clit, pressing a kiss on it before he had leaned down, taking the sensitive bud into your mouth, making your body jolt at the feeling. his smirk grew and he continued to suck on it, his tongue flicking against it, keeping it at a slow pace. he looked up to you, staring into your soul, seeing your mind race with all these mixed and confused thoughts as he pleased you. It made him chuckle to himself, knowing how he could have you a mess with just his mouth and fingers. He moved one of his fingers into your pussy, sounding into it with ease. He thrusted into you slowly.

You let out a shakey breathe and shut your eyes, taking in all the pleasure coming to you, his other hand trailed up your stomach and back to your breasts, he gently started to caress you again, just simply enjoying and loving you and your body. He suddenly moved his fingers and mouth away from your pussy, standing up, and looking down to you with that stupid grin on his face, he moved his hands to his belt and unbuckled it, throwing it to the side. His tunic falling to the ground, he pulled his pants down and threw them to the side as well. Your eyes looked to his chest, his stomach, then down to his hard cock, your face became red as soon as you looked to any part of his body! you've seen it so many times.. but the view never gets old.

"Like what you see?" He teased, now getting on top of you, his chest pressing against yours. He brought you into another gentle kiss, you both simply just.. loving eachother for who you were.

A/N: IM BACK! Isn't this a wonderful way of coming back after almost a year?! 😍

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