It Was A Lie

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I woke up with cold sweat rolling down my face, my heart raced with fear, i had a nightmare about Heimdall.. he was dead in my arms, killed by the one with the red tattoo

I cleaned my self up before leaving my room and going outside to think, I walked along the path on the side of the all father's lodge, there was so much nature on that side, I could spend my whole life just walking along this pat, the warmth of the sun and how the sweet birds tweeted made me want to fall asleep

I heard someone shuffling behind me

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" It was Thrúd

I turned to her face and saw she had a shocked expression on her face

"nothing?" I replied

She placed he hands on her hips, giving me an annoyed look

"No, something's wrong huh?" She asked

I shrugged my shoulders

"Just tell me already" she said

"I had a nightmare! Heimdall died-" i said finally breaking, I looked at her with my eyebrows raised and trying to resist the urge to cry

"your serious?" She said raising her eyebrows as well


She placed her hand on her chin

"Y/n.. if anything were to happen to him, he would have already known, I'm pretty sure it was just a nightmare! I promise he'll be fine!" She said

"Why do you care about him so much anyways?" She said smirking

"Shut up!" I said punching her lightly

"What? Do you two have something going on that I don't know about?" She laughed

I tried my best to contain my smile but to no surprise i failed letting out a laugh

Her expression changed from laughing to her eyes wide open and her mouth hanging open

"YOU... AND HIM.. TOGETHER?!" She yelled

I laughed at her

"Maybe? But just please do not tell anyone, not a soul, who knows what the all father would have to say" i said

She nodded her head

"Will you tell me all his secrets? And i mean all" She said having a menacing smile 

"Maybe!" I replied

"Well y/n, I'm happy for you, if he's ever rude to you, you let me know and I'll take care of him" she said curling her fist and punching her hand

"Don't worry, I'm sure he wouldn't do a thing to me" i replied

Thrúd left shortly after being called back to her mother, after words I moved into the town where most of the Asier fought or just being drunk and hitting on any woman they could lay their eyes on, I moved to the fighting rink to watch them all train with each other, it was so weird that fighting could be such a cultural thing in Asguard

I felt a presence behind me, he moved next to me resting on the wood I laid my arms on

"Why there you are dear, I thought I had lost you" Heimdall said

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"On break, what are you doing here?" He asked

I sighed "trying to buy time"

"He still hasn't given you any job?" He mumbled

"I guess not?"

"Then why don't i give you one?" He said stretching his arms

That does sound like a great idea, but work?

"Don't worry your pretty little head about work, that is my job, you will spend your days with me on the wall" he said moving my hair behind my ear

We both walked to this elevator and moved to the top of the wall, it was beautiful, but i still couldn't stop thinking about what Heimdall wanted to tell me

"I'm glad you like the view" he said sitting on the edge of the wall

I sat next to him staring down the wall

I felt his hand slowly grab mine, and his thumb started to trail along my knuckles

I looked up at him when he did this

"Y/n.. since I've met you, all you've done was be nice to me. Even your thoughts have nothing negative about me! Why? Why do you care for.. me?" He said turning his head towards me, his face having a worried expression on it, as if he were to cry

"I care for you because, no matter what you do, wether it's how you do your hair, how you talk, how you treated me with such kindness, it made me feel like I had to care, like I had to have some meaning in your life" I said

He seemed to flabbergasted (HEL) at your statement

"You truly feel that way?" He asked again

"Of course!" I replied

He looked into my eyes, it seemed like he was trying to look in deeper into my kind, to assure that I wasn't really lying

"Y/n.." he started

He held my hand into his and wrapped his other arm around my waist bringing me closer to him

"I must ask something of you" he said

I nodded my head, waiting for him to continue

"It's about the all father, he wants to get rid of you, I've pleaded with him to not, begged even, but he will not listen.. if you don't go and talk to him about getting a job.. there will be no place for you in Asguard" he said

My breath was stolen from me when I heard this

"I know i said for you to spend your days here with me but.. I see that now you are ready to hear this truth." He said

"I will try to talk to him, but what if he doesn't give me a job?! What if I'm thrown away!?" I said

"You won't be! I will make sure of that my dear" he said leaning in to kiss me

I leaned in back and kissed him, he traced his hands on my back making me shiver

I pulled away

"Up here?" I replied

He smirked

"Why not?" He moved his hands up my shirt, feeling my chest area, my breath hitched at his touch


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