Bound By Duty

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Hey guys! If you liked this book (even though it's the worst garbage I've ever written LOL), check out the new book I'm writing called Bound By Duty. It's about an Irish mafia daughter who gets married off to the heir of the Italian mafia for an alliance. The first three chapters are posted as of January 5, 2023!

Here's the first chapter as a preview:

I'd been listening to the clock tick for the last five minutes and I was about ready to rip it off the wall if I had to sit here for any longer. I tapped my fingers on the mahogany desk and stared at the empty chair across from me. The leather chair put my uncomfortable wooden one to shame. My father sent someone to get me ten minutes ago because he wanted to meet with me in his office about something important, but there was no sign of him anywhere.

If anyone else had asked me to sit here, I would've laughed and flipped them off, but I knew I couldn't say no to my dad. No one said no to him without facing consequences. Granted, I was his daughter, so he wouldn't kill me but I still didn't want to get on his bad side. Not that he had a good side to be on in the first place.

Finally, I heard the door open and I stared straight ahead as my father walked into the office, around to his side of the desk. He stood, using a handkerchief to wipe some blood off his hands before unbuttoning his suit and sitting down. I waited in silence until he spoke, knowing not to speak out of turn.

Cormac O'Connor was not a man to mess with. Leader of the O'Connor family Irish mafia, he had some powerful enemies and even more powerful allies. He was not a man of sympathy or remorse.

"Caitlin, I wanted to discuss a few things with you." It was a simple sentence, but he spoke each word with purpose. Somehow, everything that came out of his mouth sounded like a threat.

I nodded, keeping my gaze level with his.

"Your twentieth birthday is next week and it presents me with an opportunity." He started.

"What kind of opportunity?" I asked curiously, dreading what he was going to say. I had a feeling that opportunity would benefit him a lot more than it would me.

"Are you aware of the tension between our family and the Genovese?" He asked.

"I've heard you mention that over dinner, yes." He had said something about a war brewing a few weeks ago and he'd been particularly cruel since. I could only guess what he was leading to.

"I met with their patriarch yesterday and we've come to an agreement. All tension will cease between our families." My father stated.

"What does that have to do with my birthday?"

"After your birthday, you will be old enough to marry. The agreement we came to was a union between our two families. You are to marry the Genovese heir." My father could have told me he was selling me to a prostitution ring and it would've sounded the same to me.

"You're marrying me off to the Italians?" I asked in shock, forgetting my place. "You've said yourself that they're all filthy monsters! Don't you want me to marry an Irish man?"

My father gave me a dark look and I shrunk back in my seat, shutting my mouth. "You will marry him for the sake of this family. You do not get a choice in the matter, the deal has been made. I do not want to hear one more complaint from you. Am I clear?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I nodded, looking down at my hands in my lap. I noticed my nail polish was beginning to chip. I wanted to breakdown and cry, but if my father had taught me one thing, it was to never show weakness.

"Good. Now get out, I have business to attend to." He said gruffly, kicking me out of his office.

I stood quickly and left. As soon as I closed his office door behind me, I leaned back against the wall and placed my fist over my chest. I focused on taking deep breaths and squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn't marry an Italian. I just couldn't, but I knew I didn't have a choice.

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