Chapter 14: Selfish Men and Their Selfish Desires

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When the sun rises, I wake up to frantic knocking at my front door. I sit up, exhausted and rubbing my eyes.

"Who is it?" Daniel asks from next to me. I look down and he's got one arm over his face and the other draped over his abs. He's good lucking but he's got nothing on Dimitri.


My heart pangs at the thought of him.  I push him to the back of my mind and push myself off the bed towards the door and the annoying knocks.

"I'm coming, calm down!" I yell before wrenching the door open. "Can I hel-" I cut myself off when I realize who's at my front door. All the color drains from my face and I try to slam the door shut in his face. Key word: try. Dimitri wedges his foot in the door, stopping me from closing it. I back away frantically as he pushes the door open.

"Annabelle." He breathes once he forces his way inside, looking me up and down. "One of my men thought he saw you with someone last night and I had to make sure you were alone because I don't know what I'd do if-"

"Annabelle? Who's at the door?" Daniel asks, coming into the room.

I'm fairly sure that if someone were to take a picture of me right now, my eyes would be wide open and my jaw would be on the floor.

"Who are you?" Daniel asks once he sees Dimitri standing in the room.

Dimitri looks ready to explode. No, he looks ready to murder. And I doubt he'll hold himself back if that's what he decides to do.

"Leave." Dimitri grinds out between he's teeth. His jaw is clenched and his hands are in fists.

"Listen, dude. I don't know who you are, but I'm not leaving." Daniel says, crossing his arms. He's going to get himself killed.

"You should go." I whisper.

"You heard her, go." Daniel says, pointing to the front door.

"Not him, Daniel. You. You should go." I look at the ground, suddenly finding it very interesting. I can't let him get hurt because of me. 

"Seriously? You're unbelievable." Daniel mutters, shouldering his way past Dimitri and slamming the door behind him.

Dimitri and I stand there in silence for a few moments longer.

"Who is he?" Dimitri demands angrily. I look down in shame. "Annabelle, tell me or I'll fucking kill him!"

I look up in shock and disgust at the man standing in front of me. "He's just some guy! He means nothing to me! God! Why do I even have to explain myself to you?!"

"Because you're mine! Now stop sleeping around like some whore!" He growls.

"Don't you dare call me that! You're no better than me and I'm not yours! Not anymore." I whisper.

"You really thought I'd sit back and watch you sleep with the first guy who bothers to look at you?" He sneers.

"If you don't want me to move on, then why the fuck did you make me leave?!" I fire back, ignoring the sting of his words.

"It wasn't safe for you! Besides, we both know I cared more!" He shouts.

"Don't." I spit, furious. "Don't you dare say that!" Tears sting my eyes and I wipe them away with the back of my hand. "I loved you more than anything in the world. You're were my world." I admit angrily. He looks at the ground, too ashamed to respond, I suppose. "My whole damn world, Dimitri! You were all I had! I admit I may have been extremely difficult at first, but could you blame me? I finally let you in, I finally opened up to you, and you fucking left me! You ruined me! And after all the shit you put me through, I still, for some sick and twisted reason, love you. So don't you dare say you loved me more!" By the time I finish, a sob escapes me. I was finally beginning to heal and he came crashing back into my life just to rip open my wounds. Just when I thought I could forget him, live without him, he shows up on my doorstep and tears me apart. I need to wrap my arms around myself to hold myself together.

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