Chapter 21: Baby Issues

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The car ride to the my apartment was silent. Reluctantly, Dimitri had agreed to let me get my things. We were both in the backseat and he had his arms around me. His hand was placed gently on my stomach possessively and protectively. My head rested on his chest and I stared out the window. I watched the world blur as I blinked back tears. Dimitri noticed my silence and addressed it.

"What's wrong fiorella?" He whispers softly.

"Nothing." I lie. "I'm just a little tired and emotional."

Dimitri brings his hand up to my chin and lifts my head up so he can look at my face. "I can always tell when you're lying, Bella. Now tell me what's wrong."

"I don't want to." I mumble. "You wouldn't understand."

"How could you know that if you haven't told me yet?" He fires back.

"Please just drop it, I'm tired."

He sighs but doesn't question me further.

When we pull up to my apartment, I notice Ryan's car and sigh. I have a feeling this wasn't going to go well. Dimitri and I climb out of the car and walk into the building together. We ride up the elevator, side by side, silently. I pull my key out of my bra and ignore the look Dimitri gives me. He follows me down the hall and stands behind me as I unlock the door.

"Ryan?" I call out, walking into the small apartment.

"Annabelle," Ryan shouts from his room. "I'll be right out!"

I turn to Dimitri and give him a stern look. "Be good. Ryan's been nothing but kind to me, don't go threatening to cut off his fingers."

"Don't tempt me." He mutters, looking tense. "Just go get your stuff."

Ryan walks into the kitchen and smiles at me. "Hey Annabelle." He says warmly, hugging me tightly. "How was your day?"

I smile back. "Interesting and eventful." I answer vaguely. Ryan looks behind me, noticing Dimitri for the first time.

"You brought a friend!" He exclaims.

"Boyfriend, actually." Dimitri corrects him sourly.

"Ryan, you've been so kind and your hospitality has been greatly appreciated, but I think it's time I move out. I'm going to go live with Dimitri now."

"Annabelle, I don't think that's a good idea. What if it happens again?" Ryan asks.

Dimitri steps forward menacingly but I put my hand on his arm. "She's coming with me." He growls.

"No offense buddy, but you're not the one who had to put her back together when she fell apart. I'm just looking out for her." Ryan says, raising his hands innocently.

"No offense buddy," Dimitri mocks. "But you're not the father of her child and you weren't there when I fucked her senseless."

Ryan and I gasp at the same time. "Dimitri! Stop being an ass! He's my friend!" I yell, smacking the back of his head.

Ryan purses his lips. "Annabelle, I hope you know what you're doing, I can't stop you from leaving."

I sigh. "Can I talk to you really quickly?" I ask Ryan. "Alone?" I emphasize, shooting Dimitri a glare.

"No." Dimitri says at the same time as Ryan says yes.

"I'm going to talk to Ryan. Stay here, it'll be quick. " I tell Dimitri, putting as much warning into my voice as possible.

Dimitri fumes. "I swear to fucking god, che cosa hai da dire a lui che non si può dire cazzo di fronte a me." I ignore his Italian tangent and leave him in the kitchen alone, pulling Ryan into my room.

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