Chapter 1: Let Me Take You Home With Me

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This is the worst book ever written, you have been warned. If you want t read it, a completely edited and restructured version will be reuploaded here in the end of April or early May of 2023.

You've been warned LMAO.

I hadn't had the best life so far, but I was going to turn my life around. My sister died when I was in eighth grade. My senior year of high school, both my parents disappeared and boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. I got expelled from NYU a year later because my roommate got caught with weed in our room and since they couldn't prove me innocent, I had to go. For the past year, I've been working in a small cafe near an apartment that I was renting in Kings Point, a small town on the outskirts of New York City. Today, however, I got fired, my life following the streak of bad luck I've had in the past few years.

I was cutting out another job ad from the newspaper when my phone rang, interrupting me from my bitter thoughts and job hunting.

"Hello?" I answered tiredly.

"Annabelle! Why do you sound so sad?" My best friend (not the one who slept with my boyfriend), Alyssa, screamed into the phone. I opened my mouth to answer, but she cut me off before continuing. "Never mind that's no important! There's a party tonight and you're coming with me! I'm picking you up at eight! Be ready!" Then the line went dead.

I laughed to myself as I put the phone down. She really was insane... Not that I doubted that anyways.she literally introduced herself to me as an insane woman who runs off coffee on my first day working at the cafe.

I checked my watch and decided I had time for a quick run before I had to shower and get dressed for the party. I didn't really want to go, but I knew that Alyssa would literally drag me out of my apartment. Even deadbolts couldn't keep that girl out.

I got dressed before circling around my neighborhood and making it back to my apartment with enough just enough time to shower, get dressed and do my makeup. Alyssa burst into my apartment just as I was finishing up curling my long black hair.

She looked perfect in her red dress that hugged her every curve and accentuated her orange hair. Her gold, strappy heels made her legs look nice and long. Her makeup was simple.

I, on the other hand, had black eye liner surrounding my green eyes and bright red lipstick accentuating my lips.

"Damn! You look sexy!" Alyssa was one to talk... Had she even seen herself?!

"Yeah, but you look so much better!" I exclaimed.

"Girl, with that dress, you're practically screaming 'take me now'!" She says, eyeing me up in down in approval. I blush and look down. I'm wearing red, high waisted underwear with a red bra underneath a lacy, black, sheer dress.

"Im not planning on going home tonight." I said before I blushed and looked down. 

"Girl, you're definitely getting laid tonight in that!" She exclaimed as her eyes widen. I grin at her before we walked out the door together.


I'd been at the party for a few hours and I had lost Alyssa in the crowd long ago, but I didn't mind.  I downed the rest of my cherry vodka before heading over to the dance floor. Normally, I'd feel awkward dancing alone, but I couldn't think straight enough to even remember any of my insecurities.

Not very long after I stepped onto the dance floor, a pair of tan, muscular arms wrapped themselves around my waist from behind.

"What's a sexy girl like you dancing here all alone?" The stranger asked in a deep, sexy Italian accent.

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