Chapter 18: Expectations and Promises

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I want to go to college and start my life already. I don't want to wait another year, I'm ready to leave and try new things and make mistakes and meet new people and stuff.
"What happened when everyone left the room?" Marcos asked with genuine curiosity.

"Oh, you know. The usual..." I begin with a shaky voice. "Just Dimitri pulling a gun on me and threatening to kill me." I choke out, holding back tears.

Marcos stops walking in the parking lot and turns to me. "Annabelle, are you okay?"

I try to smile but fail miserably, so I shake my head. He gives me a sympathetic look and ushers me into the car.

I fall asleep in the car almost as soon as I get in. I can't tell how much time passed since I'd fallen asleep, but I wake up in a bed. I sit up and it takes me a few moments to recognize my surroundings.

I was in Dimitri's room at the estate.

The red walls served as a reminder that I couldn't escape him. Not now, not ever. There'd always be some type of reminder following me around like a shadow. I pushed myself upright and rubbed my eyes.

A light knock at the door startles me. "Come in." I call weakly.

The door pushes open to reveal the last person I wanted to see. As Dimitri shuts the door and approaches me, I pull the covers back over my face. I couldn't face him right now. Not after last night.

"Annabelle." His foot steps come closer.

I stay quiet, hoping he'll just go away.

"Annabelle, you know I have a short temper, please." Dimitri pulls the blankets away from me and I cross my arms.

"I don't want to talk to you." I mumble and turn away from him. I know I sound childish but I've exhausted all other options.

"Bella, I'm leaving tonight." I turn back to face him, surprised, but I don't give away my emotions and keep a straight face.

"I thought you were leaving in five weeks." I whisper quietly.

"No, I'm here to pack. That's what the boss wanted to talk to me about last night after I... After everyone left the room."

He sits on the bed next to me, close enough to touch. "Bella, I want you to come with me. No, I need you to come with me. I haven't gone more than a few days without seeing you since I met you and I don't think I can leave for this long without you. I don't know what it is about you, but I can't seem to live without you. Annabelle, please come with me."

I grimace. "Dimitri, I don't want to spend my life following you in fear. I can't depend on you because your not dependable. Sure, some days you're amazing and you treat me like a freaking goddess but there are always days where you pull a gun on me and threaten to kill me. How am I supposed to live like that? How can you expect me to drop everything and follow you?"

Dimitri stands and paces. "Bella, I don't know how to convince you to come with me... you have every right to be mad, but please, I can't go without you."

"Then don't go."

"You know I can't do that. It would start a mafia war and, believe me, you don't want that." He says, sitting back down on the bed.

"I don't know what I want anymore." I whisper, brokenly. I pull my news up to my chest and put my head down. This conversation was draining me.

"But I know what I want." He whispers. I look up at him. "Annabelle, I'm not sure if many thing but if there's one thing I know is that I need you and I want you."

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