Chapter 5: Baby Monitors

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"Buongiorno." Dimitri sings, literally, as he saunters into the room. I watch as he stops in his tracks and just stares at me. "Are you sick?" He asks, walking over and touching my forehead.

I push his hand away quickly. "No, I'm just tired."

"Then sleep."

I glare at him. "If I could, don't you think I would?"

"Well why can't you sleep?" He asks, obviously confused.

"One, this room is freezing at night and the sheets are thin, two the bed is about as hard as a rock and three I normally can't sleep if I'm not in my own bed." I mutter, sourly.

"Oh." I can see he wants to say more. "But you were able to sleep in my bed."

"I wasn't there against my will." I deadpan.

"If it's so bad here, you could always sleep with me." He suggests.

I scoff. "That's not even funny."

"No, I'm being serious, you could stay with me." I look up at him and raise my eyebrows.

"Sorry, but I'd rather stay with the guy who hit me." I smile as fake as I can.

"You might change your mind later." He says before leaving the room.

As soon as the door closes, I hop up and take off the sweatshirt and get dressed in the bathroom, happy to see the names are still visible in the mirror.


A few hours later, there's a knock on the door. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Then, the door swings open revealing Dimitri with a cardboard both. He smiles broadly and enters.

"I don't know why you bothered knocking, it's not like I can answer the door." He rolls his eyes.

"It's polite."

Raising my eyebrows, I retort. "Yes, and so is dragging someone onto a helicopter and keeping them captive in a huge house with nothing to do." I watch as his face falls while he searches for a way to answer, so I crack a smile. "Relax, I'm joking. Sort of."

"If you do that again, I'll tickle you." He threatens. "Guess what's in the box."

"I don't like guessing games." I deadpan.

"Guess." He comes closer, putting the box down on the nightstand

"No." I scoot away to the opposite edge of the bed as he continues to approach. I thought I was prepared for whatever he was gonna do, but I'm completely blind sided when he grabs both my ankles and yanks me back towards him. In a flash, he's got a knee on either side of my hips and he holds both my wrists in an iron-like grip. 

"Principessa, you should've just guessed." He whispers in a mocking tone.

I gasp as the torture of being tickled and not being able to do anything about it begins. His right hand works its way around my waist, tickling me to no end, as his left hand holds my wrists together.

"Guess!" He laughs out as he continues to assault me. I hate being tickled so much, and I can't even protect myself properly. I lose control of my body as I buck my hips trying to shake him off. This makes him completely freeze.

I don't notice why he stopped at first, I just lay back and catch my breath, thankful for being able to breathe again. Opening my eyes again, I realize Dimitri is still on top of me, holding my wrists, looking very confused and shocked. My eyes widen in realization at why he was so affected when I bucked my hips.

"I- I didn't mean- I'm sorry, I-" I know my face is burning bright red by now. Taking a deep breath, I start over.  "I'm sorry, I didn't realize-"

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