Chapter 22: Lucio

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I stare at the ceiling, unblinking and unmoving as Dimitri snores quietly beside me. His right arm is secured around my waist. If anyone were to walk in, it would look like he was holding me close to him because he cared about me, but in reality he was ensuring I wouldn't sneak off in the night.

My lips curled up mischievously as an idea came into me head. Making as little movement as possible, I took the pillow from underneath my head and held it up. I contemplated the consequences of my idea but my possibility can't get any worse than it already has. In one fluid motion, I bring the pillow over his face and push down, trying to smother him.

Immediately, he jerks awake and his legs kick out while his arms grab the pillow. My strength pales in comparison to his and he easily pulls the pillow away and sits up. He turns to me, fuming.

"What the fuck, Annabelle!?" He roars angrily, bringing his arms down to punctuate his anger.

"I wanted to get up. You wouldn't let go of me." I shrug.

Dimitri was on top of me in a moment, straddling my waist. In one hand he pinned my arms above my head and his other hand wrapped around my neck lightly. I stilled immediately. "I don't know what idea you have in your head, Annabelle, but let me get this through to you right now." He started in a low, menacing voice. "You don't call the shots, I do." His hand squeezed slightly around my neck and I struggled to breathe. "You've lost all of your freedom for the next few months. That baby is the only thing protecting your life right now and the second you deliver me my son, I will not hesitate to end your life if I deem it necessary. Am I understood?" He finally releases his hand on my neck and gets off of me.

I gasp in a breath of fresh air and roll onto my side, facing away from him. "Yes." I whisper, a single tear rolling down my cheek. Would Dimitri actually kill me? I would die at the hands of a man I couldn't help but love.

Dimitri stalks into the bathroom and slams the door shut. I hear the water start running and I immediately bolt upright. I spot his phone on the nightstand beside the bed and grab it. I send one last quick look at the door and turn the phone on.

I curse at the password protected screen and run a hand through my hair in frustration. I go back to the lock screen and sigh in relief at the emergency call button. The screen yields a dial pad and I quickly punch in Alyssa's number.

She answers on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Alyssa." I breathe in relief.

"Annabelle? What's wrong, why aren't you calling me from your phone?" She asks, worried.

"He's not dead, he's alive and he found me. He knows." I whisper, glancing at the door. Thankfully the water was still running.

"What? What do you mean he's still alive? He knows?" Confusion evident in her voice.

"I don't have time to explain, but when I told him I might not want to keep it he flipped out on me. He took me back and he won't let me leave. Alyssa, I need to disappear. I can't bring a baby into this kind of world, I have to get away if this child has any hopes for a bright future." I choke out, a few tears escaping.

She stays quiet for a minute. "Okay, Annabelle. I'll call my cousin. He knows someone who can make you disappear. I can make it happen, you just have to be able to get away from him long enough to get out of there."

I nod, even though I'm talking on the phone. "Okay, I can do that."

"Find a pay phone when you get away, I'll call my cousin right now. I'll get you out of this, just be careful Annabelle."

"I will, thank you." I whisper into the phone as the water shuts off. "I have to go, he's coming back."

We exchange brief goodbyes and I quickly put the phone back and turn back to my side of the bed. Dimitri opens the bathroom door just as my head hit the pillow. As much as I hated him right now, I couldn't help but notice how deliciously low his towel hung on his hips. I averted my eyes and he made his way into the closet.

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