Chapter 9: Love and Hate

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I woke up with a heavy weight pressing down on me. When I open my eyes, I take in my surroundings. Dimitri is fast asleep on top of me, taking slow, deep breaths. His body is covering mine like a blanket. I sigh, bringing my hands up to rub my eyes before holding them awkwardly in the air, not sure where to put them. Finally, I give up and settle for placing my hands lights on his upper back. This makes him stir and his arms make their way around my waist, pulling me against him tightly.

"Cazzo..." Dimitri groans, burying his face in my neck. "My head is killing me." He mumbles, his soft breath tickling my neck.

"You were really drunk." I whisper back softly.

"I'm sorry, Bella." He sighs and lifts his head up to look me in the eyes. "What you said... It upset me. So I drank a few beers, took a few shots. Then I couldn't stop thinking about all the dirty things I wanted to do to you and I just had to see you."

My eyes widen and my cheeks flush a brilliant shade of red. I avert my eyes, too embarrassed to make eye contact. A sudden cold feeling floods my body when he suddenly stands up. I gasp in surprise when he flips me over onto my side and lowers himself next to me. He brings one arm under my head like a pillow as his spare hand trails down my side leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. It stops at my waist, holding me in a gentle grip.

"You do things to me... And I don't understand them." He sighs and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "Annabelle, I don't want to let you go. I can't." He whispers.

What? He has to let me go! He can't just keep me forever... I don't want to believe it, but I know, deep down, that Dimitri won't let me go. "Dimitri, please let me go." I beg. "I have a life! I have friends! I have an apartment! You can't just take that away from me!" I struggle to say, an angry tear escaping the corner of my eye.

"Oh Bella," Dimitri whispers, nibbling on my earlobe. "I already did. You're mine. There's nothing you can do to change that."

"I hate you!" I spit out.

I push my elbow back, hitting him in the ribs and I kick out, the his arm just tightens around my waist. I continue to struggle against him, trying to break free, but he won't let me go. Suddenly, he flips me onto my back, climbs on top of me, straddling me, and pulls my wrists up above my head in one hand.

"I hate you!" I scream over and over again, thrashing. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

"Get Teresa!" Dimitri yells as I writhe underneath him, desperate to create space between us. I keep screaming, but Dimitri doesn't let me go. A man and Teresa burst through the door.

"I got Teresa!" The man yells before leaving.

I keep trying to fight when I notice the needle in Teresa's hand. I freeze immediately, breathing heavy. "Teresa, no. Please, don't." I beg. She gives me an apologetic look before uncapping the syringe. "No! No, no, no!" I scream, terrified.

Dimitri uses his free hand to press the side of my face against the bed, exposing my neck. I thrash as the needle pokes my neck. Dimitri lets go of my wrists and face and I sit up, pounding my fists on his chest.

"I hate you!" I sob, my hits becoming weaker as the tranquilizer takes its effect. Dimitri wraps his arms around me as I crumble.

"Shh, there's a fine line between love and hate, Bella." He whispers, stroking my hair soothingly as I pass out in his arms.


'Annabelle, we love you.' My smiling mother says, looking down at me. My father nods his head, agreeing with her. My parents begin to fade away as a fog envelopes them.

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