Chapter 27: A Reason To Stay

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"By little chat, do you mean you're going to actually have a conversation with me, or you're going to cut me up into a bunch of little pieces and toss me into a river?" I ask nervously.

Dimitri chuckles quietly and puts his gun down on the table and hold his hands up. "I just want to talk with you."

"Why? Why aren't you trying to kill me?" I whisper, confused.

"Because you didn't run when I told you to run. Because everything you've done has been for my son. Our son."

"Oh." Was all I could answer. "How did you find me?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, I didn't just find you, mi amore, I've known you were here since the day Lucio was born. Your first mistake was naming him Lucio. That's all it took for me to find you." Dimitri said casually.

I blinked once. Then I blinked twice. "You knew where I was this whole time? Why didn't you come get me? Why didn't you drag me back, kicking and screaming? Why didn't you take Lucio away from me?" I was beyond confused and I needed answers.

"Simple. I enjoyed watching you squirm in paranoia. But that's not important. I spent four years watching my son grow up from the side lines. I want you to tell me about him." Dimitri dismisses my questions with a wave of his hand.

I smile softly at the thought of my son. Our son. "He just like you." I whisper. "I guess you saw, but he looks exactly like you. He's got your eyes too. And he's so clever. He's the smartest four year old I know." I chuckle softly and Dimitri smiles a bit. "Oh, you'll be happy about this one: he speaks Italian. I'm pretty sure he's fluent."

Dimitri raises an eyebrow. "Oh really? Who taught him? Cause it certainly wasn't you."

I roll my eyes and ignore his comment. "Sam did. He's my neighbor. He's Italian too and-"

"I know." Dimitri says, cutting me off. "I'm the one who sent him here to keep an eye on you."

"Oh." I look down. "Dimitri?"

"Sí, Annabelle?"

"What's going to happen to me?" I ask quietly, afraid of his answer.

Dimitri stays quiet for a moment before answering. "I'm honestly not quite sure, principessa." He admits. "Part of me hates you and wants to blow your brains out, but another part of me forgives you and wants to fuck you until you can't walk straight." His eyes hold a devilish glint and I let out a small, audible gasp. "I'm definitely taking Lucio home with me, and I think I'll be taking you too."

"O-okay." I gulped.

Before either of us could say anything else, the door to my bedroom cracked open and Lucio trudged out, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He found his way to me and curled up on my lap, wrapping his arms around my chest before turning to face Dimitri, who looked mesmerized by Lucio.

"Sei mio padre?" He asked quietly.

And just like that, Dimitri broke out of his trance and stood. "Yes, sí, I'm your father." He said assertively, leaving no room for argument.

Regardless, Lucio turned to me for confirmation and I nodded my head. "Mama, is he going to hurt us?" He whispered quietly so only I could hear.

"No, he's not going to hurt you." I whisper back, choosing my words carefully.

"But he might hurt you?" He asked, persistently.

I sighed. "I don't know, Lucio."

He turned back to face his father and cautiously stood up. Dimitri towered over him, but Lucio puffed up his chest and squared his shoulders with a serious expression, regardless. "Per favore non farti più male a mia madre." Lucio said in perfect Italian, leaving me confused. Dimitri seemed taken aback.

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