Chapter 11: Valentine

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I am not a lucky person. Never have been, probably never will be. I lost my job, went partying to take my mind off of it, went home with a guy and got shot at. Then, the guy kidnapped me and didn't let me leave. Finally, I came to terms with my situation and I was accepting it, when suddenly I get kidnapped again.

After the man's boss told him to take me in, the man drugged me. Don't get me wrong, I put up a fight, it's just that I don't stand much of a chance against some Mafia gang dude with a gun and chloroform. I finally woke up and did some serious thinking. I need to seriously rethink my life. It's a mess.

I groan as the van I'm in hits another bump, shaking my head ache like an earth quake. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the inside of the van. My wrists, ankles and knees are tied together, the ropes cutting into my skin. There's a man in the only seat in the back holding a gun aimed at me.

We're not friends.

We haven't exchanged any words because I'm mad at everyone right now. Also, the whole hostage situation doesn't really make me want to make small talk with my captors. I jolt to the side when the van comes to an abrupt stop. I hear the front doors open before the shouting of orders pierces the air. I jump when someone wrenches the back doors open and pulls me out, letting me fall to the ground with a heavy thud.

I cry out in pain when I land on my back, pushing all the air from my lungs. Before I have time to recover, I get pulled up and thrown over someone's shoulder. The man rushes towards a large warehouse. He goes in with ease, walking down the corridors as if he designed the place. He stops at a heavy, rusty door and unlocks it. The hinges creak when he opens the door. The room is empty and dark except for a single light above an old metal chair bolted to the ground.

The man drops me into the chair and starts working at the ropes binding me. He cuts off the ropes on my legs and I take the opportunity to kick the man in the face hard.  He falls over, but I don't stick around to evaluate the damage. I jump to my feet and sprint through the door and down the hall.

"You bitch!"  The man yells, following me.

I turn a corner and run right into someone and fall back. "Oomph!" I slowly look up and take in the appearance of the man in front of me. I can tell right away, by the way he stands and carries himself, that he's important. I take in a shaky breath before standing up. The man who was chasing me comes to a stop behind me, trapping me, but I can't take my eyes off of the cold, black gaze of the man in front of me. I push away the fear threatening to tear me up inside.

"Typically, when I meet my guests, they're where they are supposed to be,but I can see you were just very excited to meet me." The man smirks at me. "Annabelle Waters, my name is Valentine Vitaly."

I just stare back, confused. Am I supposed to know who he is?

"You're confused." No, shit! "Let's go back to your room where I'll explain everything."

"By room, you mean cell." I say bluntly.

He smiles. "Yes. That's exactly what I mean. And it wasn't a choice, it was an order." His eyes darken dangerously. "You will listen to me. You may have gotten away with a lot around Alessandro, but I will not hesitate to put you in your place."

My stomach drops in fear and I follow him back to the cell, where men armed with guns tie my legs and arms to the chair. Valentine asks all his men to leave except for two, positioned at the door. Slowly, he walks towards me as a predator would stalk its prey.

"Why am I here?" I ask boldly.

"Annabelle, you don't know why you're here?" Valentine asks, faking shock.

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