Chapter 25: Dimitri's Find

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This is a short one, but it's extremely important and it's in Dimitri's POV.

Dimitri's POV:
I sit quietly at my desk, tugging on my hair softly in frustration. Her last words both haunt and mock me. "Mi dispiace, Lucio deserves better." I bring my fist down on the desk, angry at the world. As if my son deserved better than me! She took him away from me before I knew him and that was something I couldn't forgive her for.

But she also did it to protect him. That part I could understand. She was doing what she though was best for him, however wrong she was. What pissed me off even more was how much I missed her. I missed her so fucking much and I hated it. It made me feel weak.

I had a team of six guys all looking for her, but no one could seem to locate her. We been looking for around five or six months now. It angered me to think that she could've already had the baby and that I missed his birth. Hell, I wasn't even sure if it was a boy or not. For all I know, I could have a daughter, but I wouldn't now for sure until we found her.

I sigh and rest my head against my desk, closing my eyes for just a moment... I hadn't been getting much sleep lately. My mind refused to rest until I found her. I stayed like that for a while before someone knocked on the door.

"Dimitri?" Simone asked from the other side.

"Entra." I muttered, sitting up.

I watched with weary eyes as Marcos entered the room. "We think we found her, sir."

I raise an eyebrow. "You think? Why aren't you sure?" I frown.

"Because Lucio isn't a very common name in the United States." He grins. "And a boy named Lucio Smith was just born in Wyoming."

I stand slowly and smirk. "What's the mothers name?"

"Jane Smith."

I laugh at that. "Leave it to Annabelle to pick the most common name to change to."

"Do you want us to go get her?" He asks.

I pause to think. "No." I finally decide after a moment of silence.

"No?" Marcos repeats, confusion clear in his voice.

"Keep an eye on her, send someone out there to watch her. I'll let her live in paranoia for a while before it fades. I'll let her believe she's won. Then, I'm going to drag her ass back here and make her regret the day she ever denied me my son."

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