Chapter 15: Chicken Suits and Tickle Fights

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(Please read authors note at the end.)

His house looked even more amazing in the daylight than it had the night of the party. I walked up the front steps with my bag in hand, admiring the immaculate, white-wash walls. Dimitri unlocks the door and glides inside, leaving me to clumsily stumble in.

"Sorry," I blush, tripping over my feet.

Dimitri smiles a genuine smile and takes my bag from my hands. "You're sleeping with me in my room. There's room for your clothes in my closet-"

"On the left or the right of the secret doorway?" I ask jokingly.

Dimitri sends me a playful glare before continuing his explanation of the living situation. I zone out, too distracted by the intricate carvings on the ceiling and beautiful decorations. I pause to look out a window overlooking a garden.

"Annabelle." Dimitri says, calling for my attention. "Are you even listening?"

"What? Yeah, of course." I turn my attention back to him. He looks at me with his eyebrows raised before taking my hand and leading me down the rest of the way.

"This is my bedroom." He states, opening the door. "But you're already familiar with that. Especially the bed." He adds with a wink.

I gently shove at his chest and walk in, sitting on the bed and laying back. "I'm so tired." I stare up at the ceiling, tracing the patterns with my eyes. In the corner of my eye, I notice Dimitri setting my bag down and walking to the edge of the bed. He wedges my legs apart and settles himself over me, nibbling on my neck. I giggle and squirm because I'm ticklish.

"I'm sure I could exhaust you even more." He purrs, gently grabbing my hips and pulling me closer.

"Oh, really?" I muse.

"Hmm." He hums, placing a trail of soft kisses down my neck.

"Then let me slip into something... more comfortable." Almost instantly, I could feel how excited that made his not-so-little friend.

"Please, do." He growls, rolling off of me. I stand and gracefully, for once, grab my back and walk into the closet.

I make sure to lock the handle before opening my bag, looking for a specific thing I packed. I smile triumphantly when I pull the chicken onesie from my bag. I quickly slip it on before cracking the door open slightly. I peek my head out first, keeping the costume out of sight.

Dimitri's eyes zero in on me and I watch his face change from lust to confusion as I step out with a grin on my face. I walk forward before doing a quick chicken dance and laughing.

"Bella..." Dimitri starts, almost at a loss for words. "As cute as you are, where the hell did you get such a hideous costume?"

I giggle. "Walmart, duh."

A smile breaks across his face. "You realize you completely ruined the mood, right?" He chuckles.

I pretend to look hurt by his words. "You don't want to have sex with a chicken?"

Dimitri blinks at me before bursting into laughter. "Bella! I can't even imagine fucking a chicken!"

"Even if it's a sexy chicken?" I pout.

Dimitri rolls his eyes. "Come on. Let's go to the kitchen and eat." He stands and starts for the door. Before he can reach the door, I hop onto his back and wrap my arms and legs around him.  Dimitri stumbles a bit before continuing smoothly out the doorway and to the hallway.

"You are such a child." He chuckles.


Dimitri left a few hours ago, leaving me to wander the house on my own. He said he had to take care of business. I didn't have to ask to know it was dangerous and illegal, so I made some popcorn and out on a movie.

I've already seen Mulan, but it's my favorite Disney movie, so cuddle the blanket draped around me and hum along to the songs. By the time the end credits start playing, my eyes are heavy and I'm too tired to move, so I let myself fall asleep on the couch.

I toss and turn uncomfortably in my sleep until I hear footsteps approaching me. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Dimitri?" I call out quietly.

"I'm here, go back to sleep." He whispers, gently picking me up and carrying my to the bed. I bury my face in his chest and inhale deeply, relishing in the comfort he offers me. He places me down gently in the bed and climbs in next to me. Dimitri pulls me close and brings to sheets up to cover me.

The next morning, I wake up with Dimitri's arms wrapped firmly around me. One of his legs is wrapped around mine, keeping me as close as physically possible, almost as if he's afraid I'll disappear. I smile lazily and twist around in his arms, giving his nose a tiny peck. He groans and turns onto his other side, pulling me with him.

"Bella, I'm not ready to wake up." He groans, burying his face in my neck.

"Too bad. It's your fault you came home so late." Dimitri groans again and in a flash, tucks my legs up to my chest and holds me firmly in a ball so that I can't move.

"You know what else is too bad? The fact that I'm not letting you go." He smirks and holds me closely.

"Dimitri!" I struggle against his hold before realizing how hopeless it is. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head, making me grin like the Cheshire Cat. "Ow!" I pretend to wince in pain.

Immediately, Dimitri loosens his grip. "Bella, are you okay? Did I hurt you? Shit!"

I take advantage of the situation and launch myself at his chest, taking him off guard and begin tickling his sides.

Or at least I tried.

Dimitri's face remains expressionless. I give up after a few seconds, feeling silly and awkward. "Annabelle, I trust this is the only time I'll ever have to tell you this. I'm not ticklish. And don't ever pretend to be hurt again or I might not believe you when it's true."

I'm still straddling him, slightly dazed at his threat when he suddenly flips us over and begins tickling me. I immediately gasp for breath. "Di-Dimitri! S-Stop!" I beg, laughing hysterically. Still, he continues his attack at my sides, his fingers digging into my skin. I squirm and fail, but I can't seem to get him off. His relentless tickling is leaving me breathless and my eyes are tearing up from how hard I'm laughing. I desperately buck my hips upward, accidentally meeting his groin and we both freeze.

Dimitri is staring down at me, his eyes darkening with lust as I catch my breath quietly. His hands remain motionless on my sides for a few second longer before he sensually travels them lower to my hips. He didn't stop there, either, and we ended up staying in bed for a few more hours.

Hey... I know this is shorter and not as good as my usual updates, but as you probably noticed, I kinda went AWOL and I'm slowly getting back into the grove of writing.

I won't leave you without an explanation though.

Please understand that, like you, I have life outside of Wattpad.

A few weeks ago, someone very close to me passed away. It kind of affected me a lot because the person was very important to me.

I'm sorry for not updating, but it took me a while to want to do anything really and when I finally got back to writing I couldn't figure where I wanted to go with this story.

I know it's short, but I'm back in business.

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