Chapter 13: Home

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Everything important from last chapter is here
We end up curled together, tangled in the sheets.

"Are you hungry?" Dimitri asks me quietly, pulling me closer to him.

"No." I murmur, closing my eyes. "I'm just tired."

"Get some sleep." He whispers, kissing my hair again. I smile to myself at the warm, fuzzy feeling the small action gives me.

"I love you." I blurt out. We both tense. I hold my breath, waiting for him to react. I can't believe I said that. How could I be so fucking stupid?!

"Let's just get some rest." He says softly, sounding distant. 

"Okay." I manage to say without sounding absolutely crushed. A silent tear roll down the side of my cheek and I squeeze my eyes shut. It's okay. I'm okay. He'll forget about it in the morning. I let myself drift off, not dwelling on what his reaction means. I guess I deserve it for letting my walls down. All actions have consequences. And this was mine.


When I wake up the next morning, I'm alone. I roll over to find the big bed empty and cold. I stretch on the bed, sore from yesterday. A pang in my thigh reminds me that my stab wound, although it's healing, needs attention. I pick Dimitri's shirt up from the floor and pad my way to the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and step into the shower.

When I step back out thirty minutes later, I pull Dimitri's shirt on.

I open the door and jump. "You took a shower." Dimitri states. I can tell his guard is up and I don't know what to say.

"Yeah." I mumble, looking down and pushing past him to grab the remote for the TV. If he's going to be here, I don't want there to be any room for conversation.

"You're wearing my shirt." I look down at his shirt.

"Um, yeah. Sorry, I didn't have clothes, so I-" I start.

"I'll get you some clothes. I need my shirt back." He cuts me off coldly.

I blink. Why is he being such an ass? "I- okay?" He goes into his closet and comes out with a pile of clothes for me. I take it cautiously and look up at his brown eyes. His once warm, welcoming eyes are now cold and detached. His expression is hard as stone and he's stiff. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" I ask, genuinely worried.

"You're going home." He tells me, avoiding the question.

I blink a few times. "What?"

"I talked to my father. You're going home. You can't stay here anymore."

I swallow the lump in my throat. Going home is all I've wanted to door ever since I set foot in this place, but now I want nothing more than to just stay with him here. "But I don't want to go home." I mumble, staring up at him. I can feel the tears building up behind my eyes and I sound pathetic.

"I don't care. You're leaving in ten minutes, so get dressed and get the hell out of my room." With that, Dimitri turns on his heels and slams the door shut behind him.

My eyes turn into water works as I crumble and fall to the ground. He got his way with me and then kicked me out. Maybe that's why he wouldn't let me leave. Not until I gave into him. Maybe this was all just a game to him, maybe none of it was real. I shouldn't have let myself trust him.

I can't cry over him. Not anymore than I already have. I stand up on shaky legs and quickly change into the jeans and shirt he brought me. I slowly walk out of the room to find Dimitri waiting outside the door. "Follow me."

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