Chapter 10: Italians Are(n't) Funny

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I roll over to an empty bed, the next morning. My forehead creases in confusion and I slowly swing my legs off the bed before padding my way to the bathroom.


I check the closet.


I slowly make my way to the door and find a note stuck to it.

My father needed me for something important. Stay in the room.

I stand there for a moment debating whether or not I should stay here. A part of me wants to run. The logical part of me wants to get away from this place and to escape this nightmare. But a small part of me wants to stay. The irrational, insane part of me doesn't want to leave Dimitri.

I slowly remove my hand from the doorknob and retreat back to the bed. If I try and run again, ill get caught and more ad things will happen. That's why I'm not running. It's not because I want to stay with Dimitri. I try and convince myself that it's not because I'm not sure if I can make myself leave this room. It's because bad Hingis happen when I try to run.

I lean back against the headboard and reach for the remote on the nightstand table to turn on the TV. I skim through the channels,but nothing good is on. I keep channel surfing until something catches my eye. I go back one channel and my eyes widen at the screen. My face is on the screen. I'm a missing person.

I think back and try to count how long I've been here. It's been at least a week, right? It feels like I've been here forever. I shake my head and turn the TV off. I need to clear my head, I don't want to think about this. I walk into Dimitri's closet and grab a plain black t-shirt and some boxers before heading into the bathroom to shower.

I set the clothes down on the counter before stepping into the tub and drawing the curtain closed. I sigh in relief as the hot water run down my body. I watch the small beads of water drip from my finger tips. Once my muscles are relaxed, I clean myself and step out of the shower Ina towel. I get dressed quickly and walk back into the room while towel drying my hair.

"You took your time."

I jump and let out a startled cry before pressing my hand over my heart. "Shit, Dimitri, you scared me!"

He smirks at me and drinks in what I'm wearing. "I can see that. You went through my closet."

My eyes widen and I try to defend myself. "I'm sorry, it's just I needed to take a shower and I needed clean clothes and the note said not to leave the room, so I-"

"You don't have to defend yourself, I'm not mad. In fact, I think you look sexy in my clothes." I feel my cheeks heat up. "Plus you needed a shower, you were beginning to stink." He laughs.

I glare at him and throw my towel at him. He catches it easily and chuckles. "Are you hungry, principessa?" He asks me. I roll my eyes and walk back into the bathroom to brush my hair. He follows me, persistently. "Bella, come on, I was just joking."

A smile tugs on my lips, but I keep a straight face anyway. Suddenly, he spins me around so I'm no longer facing the mirror and, instead, I'm facing him. "Bella." He scolds Asa father would a child.

"Dimitri." I mock him, using the same tone of voice.

"Fine." He says, his signature smirk reappearing. "Have it your way." He moves closer to me, making me step back until my legs hit the bathroom counter.

His mouth connects to my jaw, leaving a trail of warm kisses as his arms pull me to him. I can't help but get lost in him as he makes his way down my neck and back up again. I stifle a soft moan when his mouth reaches the spot right below my ear and I feel him smile against my neck.

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