Chapter 16: Behave

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WARNING: Sexual Content
"Here." Dimitri walks through the doorway, tossing me a box.

I barely catch it in time and give him a small glare. "What is it?" I ask. I'd been watching TV for a few hours while he was out taking care of business. I don't even want to know what that means.

I give him a suspicious look before carefully lifting the lid of the box. I set the top aside and glance at Dimitri unsurely before moving aside the tissue paper. My eyes widen and my mouth parts at the beautiful dress in the box. I delicately lift it out of the box, revealing a pair of heels and earrings.  The dress is a long, flowing, champagne colored gown with a halter top sequined by small, pale pink pearls. I place it carefully back on top of the silver, strappy heels and pearl earrings before looking up at Dimitri.

"I have business to attend to tonight." He begins. I stay quiet, waiting for him to explain the dress and it's relevance. "I'm taking you with me. You'll be wearing what in the box, nothing more, nothing less." A small smile tugs at his lips as I realize what he's insinuating by that. "It's a dinner of sorts with some of the most important men in the mafia. I'll be negotiating a deal with the head of another mafia family."

"But why do I have to-" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"You will not speak out of term tonight. You will not speak unless spoken to. You will follow my every command and you will look no one in the eyes. Do you understand?"

I nod silently and look down at my lap. "Do you understand?" He asks sharply.

"Yes." I whisper, keeping my eyes down.

"If someone speaks to you tonight, you will answer verbally. Use that pretty little mouth of yours for something useful for once." He grumbles the last part. I look up at him, slightly angry.

"Why are you being so rude?" I demand, standing up. "I've done nothing to deserve this kind of treatment from you!" I yell, beyond angry.

"Sit down." He says calmly. By his tone of voice, I can tell it isn't a suggestion, but I ignore him.

"You're such a dick!" I growl in frustration, shoving at his chest, but it doesn't affect him.

"Sit. Down. Don't make me ask again." He grinds out, trying to remain calm, but his jaw is clenched.

"You didn't even ask! You ordered! You didn't even ask me about the dinner thing tonight either! You just assumed I would go!" I vent in frustration, emphasizing each sentence with a shove.

"Annabelle, you will sit down and then we can talk about-" In absolutes madness, I grab his face and kiss him angrily, but he just stands there before slowly removing me from him.

"Annabelle. Now is not the time." As he's saying this, however, I can see the glint of desire he's suppressing flash in his eyes.

"Then when is the time?" I ask, anger still evident in my voice as I reach for his belt buckle and begin to take his belt off.

"Later, possibly after the dinner if you've behaved accordingly." His voice is steady and his tone is firm, but he has stopped fighting me.

"Really?" I scoff, pulling the belt off and undoing the top button of his pants. "You're going to reward me with sex? What am I, a prostitute now?!" I angrily unzip his zipper and pull his pant down, taking his boxers with them.

Starting here, this scene MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE for some people. Skip to the next bold section.

His excitement is obvious and I push him down onto the couch. He doesn't resist either. I quickly kneel in between his parted legs and take him in my mouth. I pump his shaft as my mouth works on the tip. Dimitri groans and his hands clench at his sides. I bob my head slowly, teasing him. He growls and takes a handful of my hair, taking control. I let him guide me and begin to take more of him in my mouth at a time. His orgasm is building up and his length twitches before he suddenly stops and stands up.

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