Chapter 26: Good Man, Bad Things

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Four Years Later

The cool breeze blows through my hair softly as I sit on a small wooden bench. I sat at this bench in this park almost every day. A small smile graces my lips as I watch my son climb up a fake rock climbing wall. Normally, I'd be worried considering he was only four, but Lucio was too smart and agile for his own good.

I sometimes wondered if he was smarter than me. He was very clever for a four year old. He was also very preceptive. He could pick up on things that most adults couldn't pick up on, like sarcasm, and he could always tell when people were lying.

Lucio could already do third grade math and read and a fourth grade level. I didn't know why he was so smart, but he's my little genius. He reminded me of his father a lot, too.

They were both clever and analytic and shared the same soft brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. Lucio was a carbon copy of Dimitri.

"Ciao, pasticcino." I smiled and turned to face my neighbor Sam. He's been my neighbor ever since I moved to Wyoming and he made me biscotti on a regular basis. I was wary of him when I first met him though because he was Italian. The first time we met, he knocked at my door with a plate of biscotti. The moment he said "Ciao" though, I freaked out and slammed the door shut. You can imagine how confused he was. Eventually, however, I realized he wasn't involved with Dimitri and we became good friends.

About a year ago, I asked him to teach me Italian, so he came over often to give me lessons, but Lucio learned much quicker than I did. I gave up after a month, but Lucio continued to learn with Sam and he was practically fluent now.

"Hey Sam." I smiled at him. "How's it going?"

"Great, actually, I just made some lasagna if you want to come over for dinner tonight. Bring Lucio of course." He smiles back. We did this a lot. I'd cook and invite him over and then he'd cook and invite me over. It was kind of like a routine. Sam was practically my best friend and he liked to call me his sister sometimes to tease me.

"That sounds lovely." I sigh, closing my eyes. My mouth was just watering at the thought. Sam was a great cook. "Let me just call Lucio over and we can walk home together."

I stand and walk to the edge of the playground. "Lucio! It's time to go home." I laugh as he slides down the slide and runs over to me with a grin. He tackles my legs in a big hug and my smile widens. This boy was my everything.

"Ciao, Lucio. Como stai?" Sam asks.

Lucio looks up and smiles at Sam. "Mi sent bene! Ho un nuovo HotWheels!" He said excitedly. I didn't have to know Italian to know he was telling Sam about his new toy car. He was obsessed with HotWheels and everything that had to do with cars. He was a car fanatic and he knew more about cars than I ever could.

"That's awesome!" Sam answers enthusiastically.

"We're having lasagna at Sam's tonight, kiddo." I tell him.

"Veramente?" He asks.

"Yes, really." I chuckle. "Come on, let's get you home. You gotta take a bath before dinner. You stink."

Sam, Lucio and I walk the ten minute walk home from the park together. Well, Sam and I walk. Lucio insists on me giving him a piggy back ride. I walk quietly while Sam and Lucio have an animated conversation in Italian. I pick up some words here and there, but I've gotten used to them doing this and it doesn't really bother me much.

When we arrive at our respective drive ways, we part ways so Sam can heat up the lasagna and so Lucio and I can get ready for dinner.

I unlock the house my Lucio still on my back and turn on the lights. "Mama?"

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