Chapter 28: All I Needed

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Okay so for some reason the chapter wasn't showing up and I failed to realize it buuuuut here it is now, so sorry.

The next few weeks at the estate went by surprisingly smoothly. Lucio adapted to the new environment quicker than you could snap your fingers. The men of the estate absolutely adored him. I'd never seem so many of them smile until Lucio showed up.

"Why are they acting so... weird around him?" I asked Dimitri one morning over breakfast.

Dimitri had only shrugged. "He's a kid. Everyone loves kids."

It took me longer to adapt to being back here. I'd gotten used to my freedom. Being here was different this time around, though. I didn't feel like a prisoner. I almost felt like I belonged.

Of course, that might have something to do with Rocco. The dog had gone absolutely insane when he saw me. He had kept on to me, knocking me to the ground and showered me with wet, slobbery kisses. I was surprised he even remembered me. Now all he did was follow me around the big house.


I looked up from the book I had been reading to find Dimitri standing in front of me. "Yes?"

"I um, I just realized something." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. He seemed on edge. Nervous, almost.

I sat up and put my book down, cautiously. "What is it?"

"Well, I love you. But that's not what I realized, I've known that for years. What I mean to say is, I treated you like shit. And I'm sorry about that. Maybe if I'd been more careful with you things would've ended up differently." He rushed out.

"That's okay, it-" I started, but Dimitri cut me off.

"I wasn't finished yet." He takes a deep breath. "I was so mad at you. I was mad at you for leaving. For taking Lucio. For being able to leave even though it destroyed me. But I was more mad at myself. I looked for you day in and day out at first. When I finally found you, I started thinking of all the ways I could hurt you just as much as you'd hurt me." He paused, glancing up at me.

"Then I realized I didn't want to hurt you anymore. I realized I just wanted you to be happy. Annabelle, are you happy here?" He asked me, his eyes begging me to say yes.

"No." I admitted. "Not yet. But I will be. Lucio's happy here. With some time, so will I." I gave him a smile.

He let out a relieved sigh. "Annabelle I love you so fucking much." He whispered, pulling me to him and burying his nose in my hair. I let myself melt into his arms cautiously.

"I didn't believe you before, but I do know. I love you too, Dimitri." I whispered back, reciprocating his embrace.

"That wasn't what I realized though." He admitted, pulling back so he could look at me.

"What did you realize?"

Dimitri pulled away and took a few steps back before getting down on one knee. I let out a small gasp and brought my hands up to my mouth in shock.

"Annabelle, I just realized that I've loved you for over five years and I still haven't had the guts to propose to you."

I couldn't help the tears that were welling in my eyes. "Dimitri..." I whispered as he pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket.

"Annabelle, I might not be the best husband, but I promise you I'll try my fucking best. For you and for Lucio. I promise I'll do my best to keep you happy. Annabelle, will you marry me?" He asked me as the room started to spin and my ears started to ring.

"I-I-" Before I could give him an answer, I passed out, falling face first towards the floor.

When I opened my eyes again, I was in bed and Dimitri was sitting at the foot of the bed with Lucio, who was eating a cup of gelato.

"This is the best ice cream I've ever had!" He said excitedly and I couldn't help but syringe at the sugar rush that was sure to happen.

"It's not ice cream, son. It's gelato." Dimitri said, smiling down at his son. I couldn't help but notice the way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled at Lucio. His love and affection for him was unquestionable. "It's better in Italia."

"Italia?" Lucio echoed. "I've never been to Italy."

"I'll take you there, if you'd like." Dimitri offered.

"Veramente? Can Momma come?" Lucio asked in excitement.

"Si, she can come too." Dimitri took this moment to look over at me. His eyes widened in surprise and he breathed a sigh of relief. "You're awake... You had me worried, principessa."

I smiled and sat up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pass out on you." I said with a slight blush. Leave it to me to pass out when a man proposes to me.

"It's okay." He said softly. "I understand it was overwhelming. I also understand that you don't want to marry me." He smiled sadly at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You think I passed out cause I didn't want to marry you?" I asked with a giggle.

Dimitri's cheeks grew slightly pink as my giggles turned into full on laughter. "It's not funny."

"I'm sorry, it's just you thought I passed out to avoid saying no?" I gasped out, still laughing.

Dimitri shook his head at me, a small smile on his lips. "I don't enjoy being laughed at, Bella."

"Sorry." I said, finally breathing again. "I guess I just needed a good laugh."

"Does that mean you weren't gonna say no?"

I smiled at him. "Come here." As soon as Dimitri got close enough, I took his face in my hands and kissed him gently. "I would love to marry you, Dimitri."

And I meant it. Every damn word. Dimitri and I had gone through hell and back together. We couldn't give up on each other now. I knew he'd protect me and love me. He'd protect and love Lucio. I knew I loved him and that was all I needed.

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