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Italy. One of the most beautiful places to travel.

But unfortunately for her, that beauty didn't show through the city of Volterra. Not for Luna.

She was a hybrid. The only one of her kind that her, or anyone else were aware of. Her upbringing wasn't exactly... peaceful.

Her mother was beautiful, kind. A radiant wolf of her tribe. They looked to her like she was a queen. But her mother was murdered when she was still a child, by the man she once called her father.

He was a brutal man. A warrior. And he showed no mercy. Especially when he found out that Luna wasn't truly his.

Her mother had an affair with a vampire. Someone who was believed to have been her soulmate, if there were such a thing.

And on one lunar eclipse, 1990, Luna was born.

Sadly, and luckily, she never knew her parents. Instead, she grew up on her own, fighting on her own. The only one of her kind.

It took quite a while for her to learn how to survive. But in due time, she managed.

Luna grew up in San Vincenzo, an hour from Volterra.

Of course she had heard whispers of the Volturi, therefor keeping her distance. To them she knew she would be considered a "disgrace". Why the vampires felt they had the right to hate the wolves, she would never know.

Unfortunately for her, she was both.

It had been a long day, painting whatever tourists that walked by to ask for it. Yes, she was a street artist. But it paid the bills.

Once the sun had started going down, she had begun to pack up her tools.

Luna's beauty would be considered, unimaginable. She had dark long hair that nearly reached her waist, flawless skin, and bright blue eyes.

She never understood why her eyes were the way they are, why they shined so unnaturally bright. Wolves had golden eyes, vampires had red eyes. Some even golden themselves. But not hers. She didn't exactly get many complaints, either.

And it definitely didn't go unnoticed.

"Hey there, pretty eyes! Why don't you come over here and paint us."

Luna looked over to find a group of inebriated men across the street. It wasn't exactly uncommon, but it still didn't make her feel any better. "Sorry, guys. I'm closed up for the evening. You'll have to catch me tomorrow!"

She quickly got her things together, starting to move in the opposite direction.

"Come on, sweetheart," a tall man slurred while grabbing a hold of her elbow. "We won't bite. How about we catch you now?"

Luna felt her nerves start to burn, ready to rip these men apart with her teeth.

"I believe she made herself clear, gentlemen."

Her, and the men whipped their heads towards the direction of the deep voice that echoes their ears, meeting a pale man with raven hair.

Luna quickly took notice of the red eyes, her blood running cold.

A vampire.

But he wasn't alone. A young girl, who looked to be 15, stood beside him with another male who was also about her age.

Red eyes. It was all she saw.

Luna tried to find the words, use whatever vocal chords that would surely vibrate throughout her lungs. But nothing happened. Instead, she stood there. Frozen.

The voice of the man who still had the audacity to stand a couple of inches from her sung in her ears.

"She seems fine to us. Right, Bambina?"

Luna scowled, taking her attention from the group of vampires in front of her. "Don't call me that."

Before the men had a chance to react, the raven haired man whispered, "Jane."


Luna heard a blood curdling scream erupt from each male standing next to her. She watched as the man who was so confidently drunk a second ago, crumble to the ground.

Looking back towards the group in front of her, she saw the evil grin on the little blonde girls face.

She couldn't tell if she was in danger, or safe. Maybe both.

Soon, the screaming stopped. And the only noise left around them was the sound of wind.

"Don't worry, young one. You're in good hands."

"Who are you?"

"Don't worry, Luna. You will be taken care of."

She didn't have a moment to respond, let alone run, before she was put into a deep sleep.

"What is this, brother? I can smell the dog on her!"

"She is different, Caius. And she is important to you. I know you can feel it."

"I don't care about what that little seer said. She is NOT my mate."

She could hear the conversation faintly in the background. Did they just say, mate?

Luna groaned, slowly sitting in an upright position.

"Oh, great. The abomination is awake."

"Caius, enough."

She pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to focus on the noises around her. "What's going on?"

Once her vision focused, she was able to see what had looked like a bedroom around her.

"We are so happy that you are awake, young Luna! My name is Aro," it was the man she had come across on the streets. "This is Marcus," he gestured over to the most depressing looking man she had ever seen. "And Caius," the man who held the most prominent scowl in the century.

But despite the unfriendliness that radiated off of the man, she couldn't help but to stare at him.

He was dressed in a black suit. Shoulder length blonde hair, striking red eyes. She couldn't understand why all of the sudden, those dark eyes that scared her, pulled her in.

"Where am I?"

The blonde scoffed, not bothered at all by showing his annoyance. "You would do best to greet your kings properly."

Luna was baffled. "Kings? I don't understand."

"Enough, brother." The man who called himself Aro, interrupted. "My dear, we aren't entirely sure what your knowledge on everything is. But we are highly knowledgeable of you."

He stammered off, not quite finishing his sentence. "Okay, what do you know of me?"

Luna had always kept a low profile. So to say she was worried, was an understatement.

"You, my dear, are both werewolf and vampire. The first of your kind. We came across your existence by a seer in our world. And she helped us find you. Luna, you are very important to us."

She couldn't help but notice the man known as Caius grow angry from that last sentence.

"Who are you, and why am I important to you?"

Aro showed a toothy grin that ran chills down Luna's spine. "We are known as the Volturi. Have you ever heard of a true mate?"

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